eb2501 / fluor-core   1.0.1

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Implicit Reactive Framework in Scala

Scala versions: 3.x


fluor-core is the base library that enables writing implicit reactive applications in Scala 3.


Add this to your sbt build definition:

libraryDependencies += "io.github.eb2501" %% "fluor-core" % "x.y.z"

The latest release is Maven Central


For an example, we'll create a simple Page instance where we have a read-write property x and another read-only property y that depends on x:

import eb2501.fluor.core.Page

@main def main: Unit = {
  object MyPage extends Page {
    val x = write { 0 }
    val y = read {
      x + 2

  println(s"y is set to ${MyPage.y.^}")
  println(s"y is still set to ${MyPage.y.^}")
  MyPage.x.^ = 4
  println(s"y is now set to ${MyPage.y.^}")

The output should look like this:

y is set to 2        # appears after 1 second
y is still set to 2  # appears immediately
y is now set to 6    # appears after 1 second

This example illustrates that y is perfectly cached as it is holding its results until a relevant change happens.


For more information, please check out the manual.