Middleware for http4s to allow users to discover the host and port for an HTTP request using Consul service discovery.
The middleware rewrites URIs of the form consul://service-name/path
to an HTTP URI, using Consul
to discover an available instance of the service service-name
. For example, if Consul knew about
a service named httpd
available at
, a request made to consul://httpd/example/path
would be rewritten and requested from
http4s middleware wrap an underlying Client[F]
, so we need to have such a client available. Consul's
API uses "blocking queries" implemented via long polling
to immediately notify listeners when its internal state changes. For this reason, we recommend
constructing a second Client[F]
with a much longer timeout.
import cats.effect._, cats.syntax.all._, cats.effect.std._
import fs2.Stream
import org.http4s._, org.http4s.Method.GET, org.http4s.client.Client, org.http4s.ember.client.EmberClientBuilder, org.http4s.syntax.all._, org.http4s.client.dsl.io._
import org.typelevel.log4cats.Logger, org.typelevel.log4cats.slf4j.Slf4jLogger
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import com.dwolla.http4s.consul._
import cats.effect.unsafe.implicits.global
val exampleConsulUri = uri"consul://httpd/"
def clientWithTimeout[F[_] : Async](timeout: FiniteDuration): Resource[F, Client[F]] =
def longPollClient[F[_] : Async]: Resource[F, Client[F]] = clientWithTimeout(10.minutes)
def typicalClient[F[_] : Async]: Resource[F, Client[F]] = clientWithTimeout(20.seconds)
def consulServiceDiscoveryAlg[F[_] : Async : Logger : Random]: Resource[F, ConsulServiceDiscoveryAlg[F]] =
longPollClient[F].map(ConsulServiceDiscoveryAlg(uri"http://localhost:8500", 1.minute, _))
def consulAwareClient[F[_] : Async : Logger : Random]: Resource[F, Client[F]] =
(consulServiceDiscoveryAlg[F], typicalClient[F])
Random.scalaUtilRandom[IO].flatMap { implicit random =>
Slf4jLogger.create[IO].flatMap { implicit logger =>
// in a real app you'd probably want a real Trace implementation
import natchez.Trace.Implicits.noop
.flatMap { client =>
// make a GET call to consul://httpd/, every 2 seconds, until shut down
// if you change the state of the Consul cluster by registering
// or de-registering services named "httpd", you should see the
// requests going to different endpoints over time.
.flatMap {
case true => Logger[IO].info("🔮 success")
case false => Logger[IO].info("🔮 failure")