dotty-cps-async / cps-async-connect   0.9.23

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Typeclasses for integration of dotty-cps-async with well-known monads.

Scala versions: 3.x
Scala.js versions: 1.x

This is a helper connect objects for providing dotty-cps-async CpsAsyncMonad typeclasses for common effect stacks and streaming libraries.


  libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %%% "cps-async-connect-cats-effect" % version  

And if you want to use JDK-21 virtual threads for translation of high-order function arguments:

  libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %%% "cps-async-connect-cats-effect-loom" % version  

If you use scala lts versinm then use artefacts with lts suffix:

  libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %%% "cps-async-connect-cats-effect-lts" % version  


import cps._
import cps.monads.catsEffect.given

def doSomething(): IO[T] = async[IO] {

or import specific class to allow compiler to deduce given monad automatically.

  • IO - catsIO (implements CpsConcurrentEffectMonad with conversion to Future)
  • Generic F[_]:Async - catsAsync (implements CpsAsyncMonad)
  • Generic F[_]:MonadThrow - catsMonadThrow (implements CpsTryMonad)
  • Generic F[_]:MonadCancel - catsMonadCancel (implements CpsTryMonad)
  • Generic F[_]:Monad - catsMonad (implements CpsMonad)

Also implemented pseudo-synchronious interface for resources, i.e. for r:Resource[F,A] it is possible to write:

async[F] {
  Resource.using(r1,r2){ file1, file2 =>
    val data = await(fetchData(url))
    file1.write(s"data fetched from $url")


async[F] {
  r.useOn{file =>
     val data = await(fetchData())


    fetchData().map(data => f.write(data))


cps-async-connect-cats-effect provides CpsMonadCancel typeclass, which implements finalising of resources during cancellation.

I.e. if we have next code:

async[IO] {
  val r = allocateResource()
  try {
  } catch {
    case NonFatal(e) =>
  } finally {

and Fiber which evaluated this code will be canceled during doSomething, then finally block will be executed.

Note, that execution model in this case will be differ from traditional java try-catch-finally:

  • it is impossible to catch CancellationException in the catch block.
  • during cancellation, exception from finalizers will not be propagated as outcome of cancelled Fiber, but instead will be reported to the exception handler of the IO execution pool.
  • when finalizer is executed not during cancellation, but during normal completion, then exception will be propagated as outcome of the Fiber.


  libraryDependencies += "com.github.rssh" %%% "cps-async-connect-monix" % version  

(or with '-lts' for scala-lts version)


import cps.*
import cps.monads.monix.given
import monix.eval.Task

def doSomething(): Task[T] = async[Task] {
import cps.*
import monix.*
import monix.reactive.*
import cps.monads.monix.given

def intStream() = asyncStream[Observable[Int]] { out =>
    for(i <- 1 to N) {

scalaz IO:

  libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %%% "cps-async-connect-scalaz" % version  
  • IO - cps.monads.scalaz.scalazIO (implements CpsTryMonad)


for 1.x:

  libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %%% "cps-async-connect-zio" % version 

for 2.x:

  libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %%% "cps-async-connect-zio2" % version

and for loom support on JDK21+ :

  libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %%% "cps-async-connect-zio2-loom" % version


import cps.*
import cps.monads.zio.{given,*}

 val program = asyncRIO[R] {

or for task:

 val program = async[Task] {

  • ZIO - asyncZIO[R,E] as shortcat for async[[X]=>>ZIO[R,E,X]] (implements CpsAsyncMonad with conversion to Future if we have given Runtime in scope.)
  • RIO - use asyncRIO[R] (implements CpsAsyncMonad with conversion)
  • Task - use async[Task] (implements CpsAsyncMonad with conversion)
  • URIO - use asyncURIO[R] (implements CpsMonad)

Also implement using pseudo-syntax for ZManaged:

asyncRIO[R] {
  val managedResource = Managed.make(Queue.unbounded[Int])(_.shutdown)
  ZManaged.using(managedResource, secondResource) { queue =>
     doSomething()  // can use awaits inside.


And generator syntax for ZStream:

val stream = asyncStream[Stream[Throwable,Int]] { out =>
       for(i <- 1 to N) {


  libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %%% "cps-async-connect-akka-stream" % version  

Generator syntax for akka source.

fs2 streams

  libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %%% "cps-async-connect-fs2" % version

Generator syntax for fs2


  libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %%% "cps-async-connect-pekko-stream" % version  

Generator syntax for pekko source.

probability monad

  libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %%% "cps-async-connect-probability-monad" % version

CpsTryMonad instance for Distribution monad.