
CsvStreamUtils is a CSV toolkit written in Scala to provide a functional way to handle CSV files or streams. It can be imported in Java or Scala. In order to get rid of the boilerplate to parse CSV file in a imperative way, it allows users to use more composable way to handle CSV parsing.

Using CsvStreamUtils (You can use it in Java as well)

resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Releases" at "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.github.dannywe" % "csvstreamutils_2.10" % "1.03"

There are several features that can be used for the CSV parsing

  • A composable way to handle CSV parsing line by line
  • Error handling
  • Modularity

The issue: The imperative way of handling CSV IO

List<ViewObject> voList = Lists.newArrayList();
try (CSVReader csvReader = csvFactory.createReader(csv)) {
    String[] csvColumns;
    int count = 0;
    csvColumns = csvReader.readNext();
    validateHeader(csvColumns, headers);
    //you want to have error limit not return all the errors
    while (errors.size() <= ERROR_LIMIT 
        && (csvColumns = csvReader.readNext()) != null) {
                lineNo, validationContext));   
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        //error handling

There are several issues related to this implementation.

  • The code is hard to reuse because of many division of the code like header validation, error limit and so on.
  • It is not modular, so it is not composable.
  • If we add more line computation such as take or drop, the implementation would be even worse.

A composable way of handling CSV IO in CsvStreamUtils

1. Transform CSV content to a List

CsvService service = new CsvService();
File file = new File("src/test/resources/users.csv");
Result<User> result = service.parse(file, User::new);
if (result.isSuccessful()) {
   List<User> userList = result.getResult();
  • User::new is Java 8 method reference syntax to the constructor. In this example it acts as a factory for CsvStreamUtils to construct User objects from arrays of String.
  • For use in Java 7, replace this reference with an instance of Function<String[], User> from Guava to transform a String[] to a User.

2. Error handling

File file = new File("src/test/resources/users_invalid_1_rows.csv");
Result<User> result = service.parse(file, User::new);
assertThat(result.isFailed(), is(true));
List<LineErrorConverter> failureResult = result.getFailureResult();
assertThat(failureResult.size(), is(1));
List<SimplifiedErrorContainer> errorContainer = failureResult.get(0).getViolations()

The SimplifiedErrorContainer has 3 fields to specify errors:

  1. lineNumber: Int
  2. columnName: String
  3. errorMessage: String

3. Parsing and collecting errors

Given the CSV file:

James,AusRegistry,,                  // error line
Andres,AusRegistry,,dev              // error line
Andrew,AusRegistry,Table tennis,     // error line
Varol,AusRegistry,Table tennis,dev

And the User class:

public class User {
    private String name;
    private String company;
    private String interest;
    private String team;
    // ...

We can parse the file like so:

File file = new File("src/test/resources/users_invalid_3_rows.csv");
Result<User> result = service.parse(file, User::new);

And extract all errors:

List<LineErrorConverter> failureResult = result.getFailureResult();
String formattedErrorMessage = result.getFormattedErrorMessage();


//Line 3 Column Interest may not be empty.
//Line 3 Column Team may not be empty.
//Line 4 Column Interest may not be empty.
//Line 5 Column Team may not be empty.

4. Operations for row parsing

Dropping rows:

// the first 3 rows are part of the header
StreamOperationBuilder<User> builder = new StreamOperationBuilder<>();
Result<User> result = service.parse(file, User::new, 

Limiting rows parsed:

// the info is in the first line

Parsing rows whilst a predicate holds true:

// we don't want to know about James
builder.takeWhile(user -> !"James".equals(user.getName));

And finally, Composing operations to target specific rows:

// the info is on line 3
builder.drop(3).andThen(builder.takeWhile(t -> !"James".equals(t.getName))));

5. Customisation of errors

Limiting the number of errors:

File file = new File("src/test/resources/users_invalid_100_rows.csv");
Result<User> result = service.parse(file, User::new, 5); // Only return maximum 5 lines of error
List<LineErrorConverter> failureResult = result.getFailureResult();
assertThat(failureResult.size(), is(5)); //only return 5 lines error

Customise the format of error messages

//to implement ErrorLineFormatter
public class CustomizedErrorLineFormatter implements ErrorLineFormatter {
    public String format(int lineNumber, String columnName, String errorMessage) {
        return "Column " + columnName + " in Line " + lineNumber + " has error: " + errorMessage;

// usage
String customizedErrorMessage = result.getFormattedErrorMessage(new CustomizedErrorLineFormatter());


//Column Interest in Line 3 has error: may not be empty
//Column Team in Line 3 has error: may not be empty
//Column Interest in Line 4 has error: may not be empty
//Column Team in Line 5 has error: may not be empty