dohque / plainjdbc   0.1

MIT License GitHub

Small Scala library to execute generated sql statements over plain jdbc

Scala versions: 2.11


Build Status

Small Scala library inspired by Spring JdbcTemplate to execute generated sql statements over plain jdbc. This library has no dependencies and is extremely easy to use.

Just add PlainJDBC dependency to your build.sbt.

 "com.dohque" %% "plainjdbc" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"

And start using it.

case class Item(id: Int, name: String)

class ItemsRepository(val dataSource: DataSource) extends JdbcStore {

    def findById(id: Int): Try[Option[Item]] =
        query("select id, name from Items where id = ?", List(id)).map {
            case head :: _ => Some(new Item(head("id"), head("name")))
            case _ => None

Released under MIT license.