Sleipnir is a generator of native Scala bindings for Pegasus schemas. The code is implemented with the following ideas in mind:
- Use as much of Pegasus infrastructure as possible: schema files parsing is reused, generated classes extend RecordTemplate/DataTemplate and work on top of DataMap and so on.
- Low tech code generation: we use Twirl templates (aka Play Scala templates), more on this here.
The sleipnir-sample project uses Sleipnir to generate Scala bindings for a Play server.
You can use Sleipnir in a couple ways: as a command line tool or as an SBT plugin.
In SBT, run:
project sleipnirGenerator
runMain net.yefremov.sleipnir.Sleipnir <resolving path> <source dir> <target dir> [namespace prefix]
For example, to generate bindings for the schemas in the sample-data project, run:
runMain net.yefremov.sleipnir.Sleipnir sample-data/src/main/pegasus sample-data/src/main/pegasus sample-data/src/main/codegen
To use Sleipnir in your SBT project, you should add the sleipnir plugin, and add its settings to your project.
Add the following line to plugins.sbt:
addSbtPlugin("net.yefremov.sleipnir" % "sleipnir-sbt-plugin" % "<version>")
Add the sleipnir settings to the project that defines the Pegasus schemas:
import net.yefremov.sleipnir.sbt.SleipnirPlugin._ lazy val exampleProject = Project(...) .settings(sleipnirSettings: _*) .settings( sleipnirSourceDirectory := baseDirectory.value / "data" / "src" / "main" / "pegasus", sleipnirDestinationDirectory := baseDirectory.value / "data" / "src" / "main" / "codegen" )
The changes above will enable generation of Scala bindings for PDSC files defined within your project. You may also want to generate bindings for PDSC files defined in a dependency of your project. This is necessary if the dependency does not generate Scala bindings as a part of its own build process.
To generate bindings for PDSC files of all dependencies:
lazy val exampleProject = Project(...)
.settings(sleipnirDownstreamSettings: _*)
Also, you may enable filtering of dependencies that will be processed:
lazy val exampleProject = Project(...)
.settings(sleipnirDownstreamSettings: _*)
.settings(dataTemplatesDependenciesFilter := DependencyFilter.allPass -- moduleFilter(organization = "net.yefremov.example-service"))
Only dependencies unfiltered by the dataTemplatesDependenciesFilter will have Scala bindings generated.