dkhalansky / paradise-ng   0.1.1


Plugin for scalac for operating on ASTs

Scala versions: 2.12

Build Status ParadiseNg

This project is intended as a successor to and replacement for the deprecated Scalameta Paradise scala compiler plugin.

The plugin provides the functionality of assigning a limited form of macros to annotations.

Getting started

First example

Let's define a macro annotation by extending the ParadiseNgAnnotation trait defined in the library part of the project.

import scala.meta._
import com.github.dkhalansky.paradiseng.lib._
class replaceWithFoo(val barValue: Int) extends ParadiseNgAnnotation {
    override def apply(stat: Stat) = q"object Foo { val bar = $barValue }": Stat

If we have the plugin enabled, now in a separate subproject we can do

@replaceWithFoo(42) class arbitraryAndWillBeRemovedAnyway
assert( == 42)

You can test this by firing up the REPL with sbt console from the root of this project and copy-pasting these lines there. Make sure not to enable the :paste mode though, or it won't work!

Basic concepts

This project is divided into two functional parts: the library part and the plugin part. The library part provides (hopefully) everything you need to define your own macro annotations, while the plugin is used to expand these annotations.

You don't need the plugin when defining macro annotations: they are just normal classes that inherit from normal traits.

Using it in a project

See docs/example/ for a complete project using the plugin. Basically, you need to compile your annotations, for which your macro annotations subproject needs

libraryDependencies += "com.github.dkhalansky" % "paradisenglib" % paradiseVer cross CrossVersion.full

where paradiseVer is the version of this project that you want, and then, to use the compiled annotations, the code that mentions them needs to be compiled with the compiler plugin:

addCompilerPlugin("com.github.dkhalansky" % "paradisengplugin" % paradiseVer cross CrossVersion.full)

Use the following rules of thumb for guidance:

  • The plugin can't apply functions that haven't been compiled yet! Therefore, you must ensure that macro annotations are already compiled when they are used. The way to do this in SBT is to make a separate project that contains the annotations and make your normal code depend on it.
  • Macro annotations are just annotations that inherit TreeTransformation, even if transitively through ParadiseNgAnnotation.

Advanced usage

If you want to do something non-trivial, it's useful to read docs/

Project overview


  • Feature parity with the subset of the paradise compiler plugin that provides new-style (scalameta-based) macro annotations.
  • Consistency: the thought model behind how macro annotations are expanded should be simple. Due to how volatile macros often are, this requirement is a must for making understanding complex macro expansion scenarios at least possible.
  • Ease of defining new macro annotations and testing them. Ability to test macro annotations without resorting to ingenuous tricks such as calling the compiler from the test suite and checking its output in order to see if the annotations throws the proper exception on wrong input.
  • Helpful error messages.
  • Minimization of the amount of magic required to define new annotations and use them. This goal is almost a direct consequence of the previous one but has a merit on its own.
  • Easily understandable user-space part of the project: the code in the library and the accompanying comments should be enough on their own to provide understanding of how to make everything work.
  • Stability: starting from 1.0, the user-space part must be either backward-compatible or versioned.
  • Supporting as many versions of scalac as is possible without severely interfering with the aforementioned goals.

If a part of the project isn't supported by any of these goals, it's redundant. If a part of the project, when modified, could serve the goals better, the fact that it hasn't been modified is a bug.


  • Providing a drop-in replacement for paradise or even just for its part that deals with new-style annotations. If you want to replace paradise with this project, you may want to read docs/ for a discussion of the differences between the two projects.
  • Making macro annotations Turing-complete. No, we won't accept your pull request that wraps all the macro expansion logic in a loop just for that, you have to provide another reason.


Annotations are not expanded.

Make sure you use the compiler plugin in the subproject that uses the annotations.

I managed to get everything working, but why can't I do X?

First of all, we suggest trying to find the answer in docs/ Then, if you still believe that the way plugin works doesn't prohibit X, try reading lib. It isn't actually hard at all, there's very little code. Maybe the problem is with the inflexible predefined apply method and you can get X by inheriting from ParadiseNgAnnotation and redefining what bothers you? If you still have no idea what prevents X from working, feel free to ask in the Issues section or, if you're an adventurous type, simply read the plugin part. Good luck to you if you do!