demandio / sprongo   1.1.1


Sprongo provides ReactiveMongo integration with Spray which makes building a REST API easier

Scala versions: 2.10

Sprongo - ReactiveMongo integration for Spray

Sprongo provides ReactiveMongo integration with Spray which makes building a REST API easier.

Building the Library

To use Sprongo, you'll need to build the project and publish it locally with SBT:

$ git clone
$ cd sprongo
$ sbt
> publish-local

Using the Library - QuickStart

In order to use Sprongo in your project, first add it as a dependency in your project's build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.zipfworks" %% "sprongo" % "1.1.1-SNAPSHOT"

In your project, create a class for the database driver and, classes for your models, and case classes for your JSON marshalling. You may pass an optional actor system as the third argument to SprongoDB. Example:

case class Widget (
  name:         String,
  quantity:     Int,
  price:        Float,
  description:  Option[String] = None,
  id:           String
) extends Model

object Widget extends ExtendedJsonProtocol {
  implicit val widgetJsonFormat = jsonFormat5(Widget.apply)

class DBDriver(dbUrls: Seq[String], dbName: String, system: Option[ActorSystem]) extends SprongoDB(dbUrls, dbName, system) {
  object Widgets extends CollectionDAO[Widget]("widgets")

Once your driver and models are defined, you can create an instance of the driver (or use a companion object) and access the DAO methods for your collections.

val dbName = "sprongo-example-db"
val dbUrls = Seq("localhost")
val sys = ActorSystem("sprongo-example")
val db = new DBDriver(dbUrls, dbName, Some(sys))

// Use the DSL to query the db
import com.zipfworks.sprongo.SprongoDSL._

// Read a single record
val widget = db.Widgets.exec("some-id"))

// Read a list
val cmd = read.selector(BSONDocument("$gt" -> 1)).asList
val widgets = db.Widgets.exec(cmd))

// Create a record
val newWidget = Widget(
  name        = "foo",
  quantity    = 1,
  price       = 4.95,
  description = Some("bar"),
  id          = UUID.randomUUID().toString
val cmd = create.model(newWidget)

// Update a record
val cmd = update.model(newWidget)

// Partially update a record
val cmd ="name" -> "foo2"), ...)

// Delete a record

Stay tuned for more details and an example project.


From sbt, enter publish-local to publish locally. This will publish the code to your local repo for ivy, which is in the path by default.

If publishing to a remote Nexus repository, create a credentials file in ~/.sbt/.credentials with the following format and enter publish from sbt:

realm=Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager


This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.

Copyright © 2014 ZipfWorks

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.