daviddenton / finagle-circuit   5.0.1

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Http circuit-breaking for Finagle

Scala versions: 2.12 2.11


Finagle-circuit is a bolt-on HTTP circuit-breaking library for the Finagle RPC framework from Twitter. It provides a more a granular circuit-breaking ability and includes a HTTP Filter which can be used with Finagle servers and clients.

###See it See the example code.

###Get it Add the following lines to build.sbt. Note that this library doesn't depend on a particular version of Finagle, it has been built and tested with the version below:

resolvers += "JCenter" at "https://jcenter.bintray.com"
libraryDependencies += "com.twitter" %% "finagle-http" % "6.30.0"
libraryDependencies += "io.github.daviddenton" %% "finagle-circuit" % "X.X.X"

###Migration notes


  • Upgrading to v6.41.0 of finagle-http.
  • *Note that the behaviour of timeouts has changed from v4. Previously, calls would NOT eagerly timeout, but merely register any call taking over n-seconds as a failure. Now, calls throw a


  • Upgrading to v6.30.0 of finagle-http. Finagle-httpx has been renamed as of this release, so have migrated the API to use this instead.


  • Breaking change: simple repackage of all classes into io.github.finaglecircuit
  • Upgrade Akka-actor dependency


  • Upgrading to v6.29.0 of Finagle-httpx. Finagle-http has been removed as of this release, so have migrated the API to use this instead.
    • References to HttpRequest/Response Netty classes are now Request/Response instead
    • References to HttpResponseStatus changed to Status
    • References to ππHttpMethod.GET/POST/... changd to Method.Get/Post/...
    • References to Http.XXX() will now use Http.XXX() instead


  • Release to be used for versions of Finagle upto 6.28.0