Free Monad Algebra providing convenient program DSLs covering:
- Http - Interact with any Http API with any underlying implementation (sttp provided as a recommended default).
- AWS S3 - Write and read to S3 including dynamic upload streaming providing a source to target pipeline (thanks to Alex Hall)
libraryDependencies ++= {
val freeScala =
"tech.backwards" %% "free-scala" % "<version>"
freeScala % "test, it" classifier "tests",
freeScala % "test, it" classifier "it"
The following two examples use more than one Algebra
, specifically Http
and S3
, so we use the following type alias:
type Algebras[A] = EitherK[Http, S3, A]
Also, the first example shows the use of Context Bound
to express the Algebras
dependency, whereas the second uses implicit parameters
Take a look at the example code HttpS3IntegrationApp where the following program (of multiple Algebra) is run:
type `Http~>Algebras`[_] = InjectK[Http, Algebras]
type `S3~>Algebras`[_] = InjectK[S3, Algebras]
def program[F: `Http~>Algebras`: `S3~>Algebras`]: Free[Algebras, Jsonl] =
for {
bucket <- bucket("my-bucket").liftFree[Algebras]
_ <- CreateBucket(createBucketRequest(bucket))
data <- Get[Json](uri("")).paginate
_ <- PutObject(putObjectRequest(bucket, "foo"), RequestBody.fromString("\n")))
response <- GetObject[Jsonl](getObjectRequest(bucket, "foo"))
} yield response
given "paginate" is an extension method:
def paginate: Free[F, Vector[Json]] = {
def accumulate(acc: Vector[Json], json: Json): Vector[Json] =
(json \ "data").flatMap(_.asArray).fold(acc)(acc ++ _)
def go(get: Get[Json], acc: Vector[Json], page: Int): Free[F, Vector[Json]] =
for {
content <- paramsL[Json].modify(_ + ("page" -> page))(get)
pages = (content \ "meta" \ "pagination" \ "pages").flatMap([Int].toOption).getOrElse(0)
data <- if (page < pages && page < maxPages) go(get, accumulate(acc, content), page + 1) else Free.pure[F, Vector[Json]](accumulate(acc, content))
} yield data
go(get, acc = Vector.empty, page = 1)
Take a look at the example code HttpS3StreamIntegrationApp where the following program (of multiple Algebra) is run:
def program(implicit H: InjectK[Http, Algebras], S: InjectK[S3, Algebras]): Free[Algebras, Jsonl] =
for {
bucket <- bucket("my-bucket").liftFree[Algebras]
_ <- CreateBucket(createBucketRequest(bucket))
_ <- Get[Json](uri("")).paginate(bucket, "foo")
response <- GetObject[Jsonl](getObjectRequest(bucket, "foo"))
} yield response
given "paginate" is an extension method:
def paginate(bucket: Bucket, key: String): Free[Algebras, Unit] = {
def go(get: Get[Json], page: Int): Free[Algebras, Unit] = {
for {
json <- paramsL[Json].modify(_ + ("page" -> page))(get)
data <- Jsonl((json \ "data").flatMap(_.asArray)).liftFree[Algebras]
_ <- when(data.value.nonEmpty, PutStream(bucket, key, data), unit[Algebras])
pages <- (json \ "meta" \ "pagination" \ "pages").flatMap([Int].toOption).getOrElse(0).liftFree[Algebras]
_ <- if (page < pages && page < maxPages) go(get, page + 1) else unit[Algebras]
} yield ()
go(get, page = 1).as(CompletePutStream(bucket, key))