com-pairwiseltd / casecheckgen   0.1.0

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Effortless ScalaCheck Generator Creation for Case Classes

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12


Effortless scalaCheck generator creation for case classes published for the lazy!

casecheckgen is an open source Scala library designed to streamline the process of generating Scalacheck generators for Scala case classes. Writing generators for complex case classes in Scalacheck can be cumbersome, often involving repetitive code. With casecheckgen, you can effortlessly generate custom generators for your case classes, saving time and reducing the chances of introducing bugs.

By leveraging the Scala case class type information, casecheckgen automates the generation of property-based test data, allowing developers to focus on writing test cases instead of boilerplate generator code. The library supports a wide range of data types, including nested case classes, collections, and user-defined types, ensuring comprehensive test coverage.

Additionally, developers can add custom handlers to support required Higher Kinded Types, ensuring flexibility and adaptability for diverse testing scenarios.

Whether you're building robust unit tests or exploring property-based testing, casecheckgen empowers you to accelerate your Scala projects' testing process while maintaining code quality and reliability. Join the community and start simplifying your Scalacheck generator creation with casecheckgen!


Add the dependency to your project.

libraryDependencies += "com.pairwiseltd" % "casecheckgen" % "x.x.x" % Test

Creating your first case class scala check generator is easy.

case class YourCaseClass(...)

val property = forAll(CaseCheckGen[YourCaseClass]) { yourCaseClass =>
  // assertions here.

Although the generator provided is not intended for direct use, customizing it with certain conditional generators for specific specification testing becomes essential. This project streamlines the creation of default generators by freeing developers from the burden of initial boilerplate code. Take a look at the example below to understand how to apply various specification conditions effectively

case class YourCaseClass(anInt: Int, aString: String, ...) // a case class with many fields where developer wants to impose
// specific conditions for 2 fields only!

val combinedGenerator = for {
  yourCaseClass <- CaseCheckGen[YourCaseClass]
  anInt <- Gen.chooseNum(0, 10)
  aString <- Gen.oneOf(Seq("example1", "example2", ...))
} yield yourCaseClass.copy(anInt = anInt, aString = aString)

val property = forAll(combinedGenerator) { yourCaseClass =>
  // assertions here.

You can also add a custom handler for unsupported higher kinded types, collections. The below example is for unsupported HKT ArraySeq.

case class CaseClassWithUnsupportedHKT(...)

import com.pairwiseltd.casecheckgen.utils.TypeTagUtils._

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val typeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[CaseClassWithUnsupportedHKT]]

def customHandler: PartialFunction[Type, Gen[Any]] = {
  case t if t.asTypeTag.tpe.typeSymbol == typeOf[ArraySeq[Any]].typeSymbol =>
    Gen.listOfN(3, CaseCheckGen(tag = t.typeArgs.head.asTypeTag, customHandler = Some(customHandler))).map(x => ArraySeq(x))

val property = forAll(CaseCheckGen[CaseClassWithUnsupportedHKT](tag = typeTag,
  customHandler = Some(customHandler))) { caseClassWithUnsupportedHKT =>
  // assertions here.

Third-Party Libraries

This project incorporates the following third-party library:

  • Scalacheck version 1.X
  • Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License