provides a simple way to create temporary PostgreSQL
databases for testing purposes in your Scala projects.
To use it, you'll need the credentials for user who can create databases on the PostgreSQL server you're targeting.
// Create the temporary database
val temporaryDatabase = PostgreSQLFixtureSupport.createTemporaryDatabase(
databaseName = "postgres",
userName = "my-user",
password = "my-password"),
// Try-finally to ensure resources are freed.
try {
// Temporary database settings are now available
// to use for establishing a connection, etc.
Console.println(s"temporary database settings: ${temporaryDatabase.databaseSettings}")
} finally {
// Drop the temporary database
// Create the temporary database
val temporaryDatabase = ScalikeJDBCTemporaryDatabaseFixture.setup(
templateDatabaseName = "template1",
databaseSettings = DatabaseSettings(
databaseName = "postgres",
userName = "my-username",
password = "my-password"),
connectionPoolSize = 16,
postInitialize = connectionPool => {
// Do any post-initialization setup you want here; such as
// applying migrations, etc.
// Try-finally to ensure resources are freed.
try {
// Temporary database connections are now available
// from the 'MyConnectionPool connection pool.
val connection = ConnectionPool.borrow('MyConnectionPool)
// ...
} finally {
// Drop the temporary database
This code is provided under the BSD 2-clause license