Provides an implicit conversion from Circe's Encoder
, Decoder
and Codec
types to Kafka's Serializer
and Serde
types so that you can (de)serialize your data from/to JSON format.
This fork is based on original work by Tim Steinbach - kudos to you! It has been primarily created to add support for value classes, e.g.
Serde[A] forSome { type A <: AnyVal }
. It also updates dependencies, improves test coverage and is cross-compiled for Scala 2.12, 2.13 and 3.
libraryDependencies ++= "global.namespace.circe-kafka" %% "circe-kafka" % "3.0.0"
Note that this library attempts to match the Kafka version.
// Given:
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization._
case class Entity(id: Long)
// When:
import global.namespace.circe.kafka._
val serde: Serde[Foo] = implicitly
import serde._
val bytes = serializer.serialize("some-topic", Entity(1))
val clone = deserializer.deserialize("some-topic", bytes)
// Then:
assert(new String(bytes, "UTF-8") == """{"id":1}""") // look Ma', JSON!
assert(clone == Entity(1))