catap / scala-blake3   2.9.0


This is highly optimized blake3 implementation for scala, scala-js and scala-native

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12 2.11 2.10
Scala.js versions: 1.x
Scala Native versions: 0.4

Blake3 for scala

This is highly optimized blake3 implementation for scala, scala-js and scala-native, without any dependencies.

If you're looking for the faster possible hash function for scala.js I suggest to use this one, instead of SHA because this implementation use only 32 bits number which nativly supported by JS.

You can use it as

libraryDependencies += "pt.kcry" %%% "blake3" % "x.x.x"

The latest version is maven-central

API is pretty simple:

scala> import pt.kcry.blake3.Blake3

scala> Blake3.newHasher().update("Some string").doneHex(64)
val res1: String = 2e5524f3481046587080604ae4b4ceb44b721f3964ce0764627dee2c171de4c2

scala> Blake3.newDeriveKeyHasher("whats the Elvish word for friend").update("Some string").doneHex(64)
val res2: String = c2e79fe73dde16a13b4aa5a947b0e9cd7277ea8e68da250759de3ae62372b340

scala> Blake3.newKeyedHasher("whats the Elvish word for friend").update("Some string").doneHex(64)
val res3: String = 79943402309f9bb05338193f21fb57d98ab848bdcac67e5e097340f116ff90ba

scala> Blake3.hex("Some string", 64)
val res4: String = 2e5524f3481046587080604ae4b4ceb44b721f3964ce0764627dee2c171de4c2

scala> Blake3.bigInt("Some string", 32)
val res5: BigInt = 777331955


Hasher.update is mutable when Hasher.done isn't.

Hasher.update supports different input such as: byte array, part of byte array, single byte or string.

Hasher.done supports different output such as:

  • done(out: Array[Byte]) to fill full provided array;
  • done(out: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int) to fill specified part of provided array;
  • done(out: OutputStream, len: Int) to fill specified OutputStream;
  • done(out: ByteBuffer) to fill specified ByteBuffer;
  • done() that returns a single byte hash value;
  • doneShort(), doneInt() and doneLong() that returns a single short, int or long hash value;
  • doneBigInt(bitLength: Int) that returns positive BigInt with specified length in bits;
  • doneHex(resultLength: Int) that returns hex encoded string with specified output length in characters;
  • doneBaseXXX(len: Int) that returns string representative of XXX encoded as it defined in RFC 4648 without padding;
  • doneXor(...) that applied hash to existed value via XOR.

This implementation is thread-safe and you can use it in multithreaded environment. Anyway this implementation doesn't currently include any multithreading optimizations.

As baseline for benchmarks I've used original C version c-0.3.7 via JNI interface that was implemented as part of BLAKE3jni.

All benchmarks was performed on two machines:

Short summary:

  • it is about 5 times slower than AVX2 assembly version via JNI that is expected,
  • it is about 30% slower than original C version via JNI,
  • it has memory footprint near 20% of hashed data that is cleaned up by GC,
  • it has near to constant memory footprint that won't be cleaned up by GC,
  • increasing result hash size has the same impact such as hashing.

Full version of results are available as