Small library for converting DOT (graph description language) to various image formats (svg, jpeg, png)
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
- sbt 0.13 or greater if you want to build from source
- JVM 8 for the Scala 2.12 build, JVM 6+ for the 2.11 build
If you're using Maven simply specify the GAV coordinate below and Maven will do the rest
Add this GAV coordinate to your SBT dependency list
libraryDependencies += "org.bradfordmiller" %% "dot2img" % "0.0.21"
Building the library requires SBT 0.13+ and a 1.8 version of the JDK for the Scala 2.12 version, or a 1.6+ version of the JDK for the Scala 2.11 version
You can build the library with this command
sbt publishLocal
The resulting jar will be published to ~/.ivy2/local/org/bradfordmiller/dot2img_{SCALA_VERSION}
The library is quite simple. Feed in your dot grammar as a string along with an output path as seen below
import org.bradfordmiller.dot2img
//Set up your dot data
val data = "digraph G {\n \"Welcome\" -> \"To\"\n \"To\" -> \"Web\"\n \"To\" -> \"GraphViz!\"\n}"
val p =, "/tmp/testformat.jpg")
The saved image will be at the path in the appropriately specified format. Currently svg, jpeg and png are supported.
The above code will produce the following image:
- scala - The programming language
- Apache Batik - SVG image conversion
- viz.js - Javascript rendering engine for dot grammar
For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Bradford Miller - Initial work - bfm
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details
- This library wraps viz.js to do the heavy lifting with the graphics rendering as seen here
- Thanks to PurpleBooth for the README template as seen here