blue-pitaya / scala-d3-force   0.1


d3-force logic rewritten to scala

Scala versions: 2.13
Scala.js versions: 1.x

d3-force library rewritten to scala

This module implements simulation of physical forces on particles just like in d3-force library. This lib only implenets numerical operations, so no HTML rendering is included. Also there might be some small changes/extensions in comparison to original lib, but overall functionality should be the same.


Work in progress, but many things have been already implemented.


For scala 2.13

libraryDependencies += "dev.bluepitaya" %% "scala-d3-force" % "0.1"

For scala.js

libraryDependencies += "dev.bluepitaya" %%% "scala-d3-force" % "0.1"


  • Collision
  • Radial force
  • Link force id and iterations methods

To run example

sbt "project example" "clean" "fullLinkJS"
cd example/ui
yarn dev