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Inferencer a.k.a DataCurator

inference noun:

A guess that you make or an opinion that you form based on the information that you have

Inferencer is a Spark library for which curate files through given input parameters and load thenm into target, source can be HDFS,S3,Local filesystem to another distributed/local filesystem with Schema retained formats(preferred parquet/ORC/Avro)

in case of target is a table, the library automatically extract the target schema and infer the same, in case of target is a distributed or local filesystem, we need to pass the schema as ddl,avro,json format.

The following application will load the data into target using the given input parameters.

docs for the process as follows:

Application Parameters:

mode = yarn/local

There are two deploy modes that can be used to launch Spark applications on YARN. In cluster mode, the Spark driver runs inside an application master process which is managed by YARN on the cluster, and the client can go away after initiating the application. In client mode, the driver runs in the client process, and the application master is only used for requesting resources from YARN.

Unlike other cluster managers supported by Spark in which the master’s address is specified in the --master parameter, in YARN mode the ResourceManager’s address is picked up from the Hadoop configuration. Thus, the --master parameter is yarn.

documenation Link

supported Types :

  • yarn / yarn-client
  • yarn-cluster
  • local (Not recommended )

At run time this will be overwritten with spark-submit arguments which will be passed

appName = Name_Of_Application

Application Name which will be set by spark while running the job from Yarn/Other mode

Please note that this parameter will be overwritten by the application name specified at spark-submit configuration level such as --name which eventually derived from Oozie parameters (in case of oozie as the scheduler )

Source Data Parameters :

dataSourceURI = s3a://landing/

base path of the Application where the source data files resides

dataSource = some_source

3(mostly) character of the system where the data

dataSet = dataset_folder_name

source dataset name, Name of the dataset in lowercase separated by underscores (_). Where system of record is not the source (eg. CSA vs Siebel), prefix with 3 character abbreviation of the system of record.

All the above parameters will be used to construct the source file/directory path so that application can pick the file from location and process it and loads to the curated area.

Target Specific Parameters :

targetDatabase = ""

Target Database Name where the curated data is placed.

targetTable = tgt_table

Target Table Name where the curated data is placed.

targetPartition = src_dttm

provide the value if the target table is partitioned, this value will be used while loading the table into the target area in saveAsTable/Insert methods as the partition column.

schemaFile = s3://src_bucket/config/sch.schema

schema location to infer for input source.

currently it support two types of schemas

  1. DDL schama - keep the same format as DDL excluding create table and closing index section example col1 integer, col2 timestap, col3 decimal(10,2), col4 string etc ..
  2. Avro Schema - you can pass standarad avro schema URI so that it will infer that schema.

as per order of precidency it looks for target schema by extracting target are and if not found then it apply schemaFile.

writeMode = append

Target mode to write the data into curated table

possible values are

  • append : to the existing data
  • overwrite : truncates and replaces the target
  • delta : Append only changes to target data

Data Processing Parameters :

readerFormat = binary

Specifies the source data format.

the following formats are developed and tested to be used as source data formats

Format parameter to be passed Description
non UTF file binary If the file is of UTF or Extended UTF-8 characters in such cases files will be read with binary format and parsed using the extended character set (StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)
text text The standard text files where the data can be separated by plain text characters ex : ```
csv csv or com.databrcks.spark.csv (in case if databricks parser included as dependent JAR ) in case of CSV files
json json In case of Json file format is specified, the result Json elements will be flatten (in case if data has any kind of nested json elements) and loaded in to target, the array elements get exploded please note that The target elements will be flattened with conjunction string .. Please Note that Spark 2.2 must be used while you are using this method
xml xml or com.databricks.spark.xml In case of xml file format is specified, the result xml elements will be flatten (in case if data has any kind of nested xml elements) and loaded in to target, the array elements get exploded please note that The target elements will be flattened with conjunction string .. Please Note that Spark 2.2 must be used while you are using this method
parquet parquet for parquet files
avro com.databricks.spark.avro for avro files -- must provide the external dependent JAR with --jars <> option
orc orc for ORC files
fixed width fixedwidth for fixed width mainframe files
cobal files cobal or cobal parser reads metadata from cobal copybook and parse the files (thanks and credits to
SAS datasets cobal parser reads metadata from cobal copybook and parse the files (thanks and credits to

recordDelimiter = \u00c3\u000a

Line separator for binary or text files advised to pass this value with unicode character\uxxxx or HEX character \\xNN so that it would be easy for support team to read the value


field separator for binary or text files advised to pass this value with unicode character\uxxxx or HEX character \\xNN so that it would be easy for support team to read the value

please note that in text/binary file format if you have delimiter | please ensure that you must escape the charector as | already used as regular expression or case

readerOptions = "header=false,nullValue=\n"

comma separated list of key values with = as mapper.

while using the external options you may refer the external config options

for text/binay/fixedwidth files you may use the following options.

header (deafult , false) : true so that parser removes the first record of the file
footer (deafult , false) : true so that parser removes the last record of the file
headerLength : specified number n removes the first n records from file
footerLength : specified number n removes the last n records from file

by setting the headerLength/footerLength framework automatically consider header/footer options are defaulted to ture so no need to specify. 

recordFormat : specify the regular expression for record format so that the underline RDD will filter out based on the expression(can be used for variable length records and multi format records). *Please dont confuse with recordFormat in readeroptions with recordLayout for fixed width files. ensure you will not set header and footer as the recordFormat prunes the records.

You can set the following CSV-specific options to deal with CSV files:

   sep (default ,): sets a single character as a separator for each field and value.
   encoding (default UTF-8): decodes the CSV files by the given encoding type.
   quote (default "): sets a single character used for escaping quoted values where the separator can be part of the value. If you would like to turn off quotations, you need to set not null but an empty string. This behavior is different from com.databricks.spark.csv.
   escape (default \): sets a single character used for escaping quotes inside an already quoted value.
   charToEscapeQuoteEscaping (default escape or \0): sets a single character used for escaping the escape for the quote character. The default value is escape character when escape and quote characters are different, \0 otherwise.
   comment (default empty string): sets a single character used for skipping lines beginning with this character. By default, it is disabled.
   header (default false): uses the first line as names of columns.
   inferSchema (default false): infers the input schema automatically from data. It requires one extra pass over the data.
   ignoreLeadingWhiteSpace (default false): a flag indicating whether or not leading white spaces from values being read should be skipped.
   ignoreTrailingWhiteSpace (default false): a flag indicating whether or not trailing white spaces from values being read should be skipped.
   nullValue (default empty string): sets the string representation of a null value. Since 2.0.1, this applies to all supported types including the string type.
   nanValue (default NaN): sets the string representation of a non-number" value.
   positiveInf (default Inf): sets the string representation of a positive infinity value.
   negativeInf (default -Inf): sets the string representation of a negative infinity value.
   dateFormat (default yyyy-MM-dd): sets the string that indicates a date format. Custom date formats follow the formats at java.text.SimpleDateFormat. This applies to date type.
   timestampFormat (default yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX): sets the string that indicates a timestamp format. Custom date formats follow the formats at java.text.SimpleDateFormat. This applies to timestamp type.
   maxColumns (default 20480): defines a hard limit of how many columns a record can have.
   maxCharsPerColumn (default -1): defines the maximum number of characters allowed for any given value being read. By default, it is -1 meaning unlimited length
   mode (default PERMISSIVE): allows a mode for dealing with corrupt records during parsing. It supports the following case-insensitive modes.
   PERMISSIVE : sets other fields to null when it meets a corrupted record, and puts the malformed string into a field configured by columnNameOfCorruptRecord. To keep corrupt records, an user can set a string type field named columnNameOfCorruptRecord in an user-defined schema. If a schema does not have the field, it drops corrupt records during parsing. When a length of parsed CSV tokens is shorter than an expected length of a schema, it sets null for extra fields.
   DROPMALFORMED : ignores the whole corrupted records.
   FAILFAST : throws an exception when it meets corrupted records.
   columnNameOfCorruptRecord (default is the value specified in spark.sql.columnNameOfCorruptRecord): allows renaming the new field having malformed string created by PERMISSIVE mode. This overrides spark.sql.columnNameOfCorruptRecord.
   multiLine (default false): parse one record, which may span multiple lines.

useHeader=true - in case if column names should be derived from CSV header.

You can set the following JSON-specific options to deal with non-standard JSON files:

   primitivesAsString (default false): infers all primitive values as a string type
   prefersDecimal (default false): infers all floating-point values as a decimal type. If the values do not fit in decimal, then it infers them as doubles.
   allowComments (default false): ignores Java/C++ style comment in JSON records
   allowUnquotedFieldNames (default false): allows unquoted JSON field names
   allowSingleQuotes (default true): allows single quotes in addition to double quotes
   allowNumericLeadingZeros (default false): allows leading zeros in numbers (e.g. 00012)
   allowBackslashEscapingAnyCharacter (default false): allows accepting quoting of all character using backslash quoting mechanism
   allowUnquotedControlChars (default false): allows JSON Strings to contain unquoted control characters (ASCII characters with value less than 32, including tab and line feed characters) or not.
   mode (default PERMISSIVE): allows a mode for dealing with corrupt records during parsing.
   PERMISSIVE : sets other fields to null when it meets a corrupted record, and puts the malformed string into a field configured by columnNameOfCorruptRecord. To keep corrupt records, an user can set a string type field named columnNameOfCorruptRecord in an user-defined schema. If a schema does not have the field, it drops corrupt records during parsing. When inferring a schema, it implicitly adds a columnNameOfCorruptRecord field in an output schema.
   DROPMALFORMED : ignores the whole corrupted records.
   FAILFAST : throws an exception when it meets corrupted records.
   columnNameOfCorruptRecord (default is the value specified in spark.sql.columnNameOfCorruptRecord): allows renaming the new field having malformed string created by PERMISSIVE mode. This overrides spark.sql.columnNameOfCorruptRecord.
   dateFormat (default yyyy-MM-dd): sets the string that indicates a date format. Custom date formats follow the formats at java.text.SimpleDateFormat. This applies to date type.
   timestampFormat (default yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX): sets the string that indicates a timestamp format. Custom date formats follow the formats at java.text.SimpleDateFormat. This applies to timestamp type.
   multiLine (default false): parse one record, which may span multiple lines, per file

inferTargetSchema=true -- more on this can be found at Json reader section.

For xml you can use following properties

 rowTag: The row tag of your xml files to treat as a row. For example, in this xml <books> <book><book> ...</books>, the appropriate value would be book. Default is ROW. At the moment, rows containing self closing xml tags are not supported.
 samplingRatio: Sampling ratio for inferring schema (0.0 ~ 1). Default is 1. Possible types are StructType, ArrayType, StringType, LongType, DoubleType, BooleanType, TimestampType and NullType, unless user provides a schema for this.
 excludeAttribute : Whether you want to exclude attributes in elements or not. Default is false.
 treatEmptyValuesAsNulls : (DEPRECATED: use nullValue set to "") Whether you want to treat whitespaces as a null value. Default is false
 mode: The mode for dealing with corrupt records during parsing. Default is PERMISSIVE.
     When it encounters a corrupted record, it sets all fields to null and puts the malformed string into a new field configured by columnNameOfCorruptRecord.
     When it encounters a field of the wrong datatype, it sets the offending field to null.
   DROPMALFORMED : ignores the whole corrupted records.
   FAILFAST : throws an exception when it meets corrupted records.
 columnNameOfCorruptRecord: The name of new field where malformed strings are stored. Default is _corrupt_record.
 attributePrefix: The prefix for attributes so that we can differentiate attributes and elements. This will be the prefix for field names. Default is _.
 valueTag: The tag used for the value when there are attributes in the element having no child. Default is _VALUE.
 charset: Defaults to 'UTF-8' but can be set to other valid charset names
 ignoreSurroundingSpaces: Defines whether or not surrounding whitespaces from values being read should be skipped. Default is false.

these values get converted to Map and passed as reader options in the code

recordLayout = 1|5,6|12,19|4

Record layout of fixed width files, comma separated list of pipe separated entries


cleanseChar = \r{0,1}\n

any characters that needs to be trimmed off from the source file (will be helpful to cleanse some data from input source file) this will work only in-case of binary format is chosen.

srcFormats="src_start_date=yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"

in case of input data (date/time/datetime/timestamp) is in non slandered format (YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM:SS.sss) the values will be assist to converter.

in case if any column missed here and not in standard format will result in NULL values in target area.

note : since Application uses Java's simple date module which is inherited from hive's unix_timestamp UDF which support upto millisecond precision, to ensure to get the nanosecond support method extract anything after second and pads it back

effectively this module will and should support nano second precision provided the format specified with S ex : yyyyMMdd HHmmssS

srcToTgtColMap = "src_timestamp=src_timestamp_view,col2=src_col2"

Incase of renaming the columns for Avro/Json/


In the event of data quality checks what is the acceptable percent to load the data into table.

lets take when the user defined the value is 5, if the data qualified to be valid upto 95% percent the error records will be loaded into error location(same as data set with .err extension to the directory ).

for the records above the threshold percent the application will fail stating the same.

fileBasedTagPattern=same_file_name_(\d{10})_(\d{8}).csv.dat fileBasedTagColumns=src_date,src_time

in case if any of the tags in file must be passed to the file can be loaded by sitting these two variables.

it extracts the tags based on the grouped patterns on the order it mapped and load the same to the tagged columns mentioned.

in case of more columns present than tags there will be an exception and job will be aborted.

customTransformationOptions = src_sys='test_source_system' Adds the custom logic into filelds should be populated into tables. example : src_sys='test_source_system'

this particular property can be used to set the default variables to table in case if source is not sending them.

generateRowHash = true

set true in case if needs to amend "row_hash"(or generateRowHashColumn property) column to target. example : generateRowHash=true

generateRowHashColumn sets column name for generated for hash (non default row_hash) example : generateRowHashColumn = src_sys_hash

encryptionColumns Coma separation list of column names where it should be encrypted. please note that target column should be defined as string as after encryption it gets stored as strings.

encryptionKey key to encrypt and decrypt columns.

Where can I get the latest release?

You can get source from SCM.

Alternatively you can pull binaries from the central Maven repositories: For mvn:

<!--Fat/ Assembly Jar-->

for Gradle:

    api group: "io.github.bkosaraju", name: "inferencer_$scalaVariant", version: "$Version"

Build Instructions :

Test execution : code coverage with test case execution gradle testScoverageReport or gradle jacocoTestReport documentation :

gradle clean scaladocs

build jar:

gradle clean build scaladocs

More Info on build tasks

> Task :curation-app:tasks

All tasks runnable from project :curation-app

Build tasks
assemble - Assembles the outputs of this project.
build - Assembles and tests this project.
buildDependents - Assembles and tests this project and all projects that depend on it.
buildNeeded - Assembles and tests this project and all projects it depends on.
classes - Assembles main classes.
clean - Deletes the build directory.
jar - Assembles a jar archive containing the main classes.
scoverageClasses - Assembles scoverage classes.
testClasses - Assembles test classes.
testScoverageClasses - Assembles test scoverage classes.

Documentation tasks
javadoc - Generates Javadoc API documentation for the main source code.
scaladoc - Generates Scaladoc for the main source code.

Help tasks
buildEnvironment - Displays all buildscript dependencies declared in project ':curation-app'.
components - Displays the components produced by project ':curation-app'. [incubating]
dependencies - Displays all dependencies declared in project ':curation-app'.
dependencyInsight - Displays the insight into a specific dependency in project ':curation-app'.
dependentComponents - Displays the dependent components of components in project ':curation-app'. [incubating]
help - Displays a help message.
model - Displays the configuration model of project ':curation-app'. [incubating]
projects - Displays the sub-projects of project ':curation-app'.
properties - Displays the properties of project ':curation-app'.
tasks - Displays the tasks runnable from project ':curation-app'.

Shadow tasks
knows - Do you know who knows?
shadowJar - Create a combined JAR of project and runtime dependencies

Verification tasks
check - Runs all checks.
jacocoTestCoverageVerification - Verifies code coverage metrics based on specified rules for the test task.
jacocoTestReport - Generates code coverage report for the test task.
test - Runs the unit tests.

build :

> Configure project :

> Task :scaladoc
model contains 57 documentable templates

> Task :test


  Test loadLocalappProps : Test to be able to load the local properties PASSED
  Test loadLocalappProps : Test to be able to load the non Existed local properties PASSED
  Test loadCustomProperties : remove hdfs Properties PASSED
  Test loadCustomProperties : remove hdfs Properties - unknown path PASSED
  Test loadCustomProperties : remove hdfs Properties - Empty path PASSED
  Test Context : Context Creation for SQL PASSED
  Test loadEnvVars : load String parameters to Map PASSED
  Test loadEnvVars : Loading the empty string should produce zero element Array PASSED
  Test convNonStdDateTimes : Test Non Standard data types being converted to Standard date and time values - check the count PASSED
  Test convNonStdDateTimes : Test Non Standard data types being converted to Standard date and time values - check data PASSED
  Test convNonStdDateTimes : Test Non Standard data types being converted to Standard date and time values - check results PASSED
  Test dropdwsCols : drop the extended columns from target schema to generate source schema - non Empty values PASSED
  Test dropdwsCols : drop the extended columns from target schema to generate source schema -  Empty values PASSED
  Test dropdwsCols : Unable to drop the dws columns and raise exception in case if there is any issue with source schema PASSED
  Test stringToMap : Test to be able to convert input params String to Map PASSED
  Test stringToMap : Unable to convert given string into a Map as that was not in valid keyvalue pair format(k1=v1) PASSED
  Test getStgSchema : Derive the source schema from curated schema - check for non mapped column PASSED
  Test getStgSchema : Derive the source schema from curated schema - check for mapped column PASSED
  Test getStgSchema : Unable to generate staging schema and raise exception in case if there is any issue with source schema PASSED
  Test getTargetSelList : Generate the Schema driven SQL PASSED
  Test getTargetSelList : Generate the Schema driven SQL with excluded non primitive types PASSED
  Test getTargetSelList : Exception in case if not be able extract target selection list PASSED
  Test loadStdDF : load the CSV file to a dataframe - record Count PASSED
  Test loadStdDF : load the Json file to a dataframe PASSED
  Test loadStdDF : load the Json file to a dataframe using inferTargetSchema option PASSED
  Test loadStdDF : load the orc file to a dataframe PASSED
  Test loadStdDF : load the CSV file to a dataframe - Null values check PASSED
  Test loadStdDF : Unable to load the data into dataframe and throws exception in case if input schema is differ to the specified schema PASSED
  Test loadStdDF : load CSV file with no reader options PASSED
  Test amendDwsCols : Add Audit columns to source dataframe - Function check PASSED
  Test amendDwsCols : Add Audit columns to source dataframe - Function check with empty keys PASSED
  Test amendDwsCols : Add Audit columns to source dataframe - Column count check PASSED
  Test amendDwsCols : Add Audit columns to source dataframe - Return value check PASSED
  Test amendDwsCols : Exception in case if not be able to amend extra columns PASSED
  Test srcToTgtColRename : rename the source columns to target columns PASSED
  Test srcToTgtColRename : Unable to rename column and throws exception in case if there is any issue with given input map PASSED
  Test srcToTgtColSchemaChange : Rename the source columns to target columns - Empty Columns PASSED
  Test srcToTgtColSchemaChange : Rename the source columns to target columns - Update Column Names PASSED
  Test srcToTgtColSchemaChange : Rename the source columns to target columns - Update Column Names - empty Map PASSED
  Test srcToTgtColSchemaChange : Unable to rename column and throws exception in case if there is any issue with given input schema PASSED
  Test loadTableVars : extract the table propertise from catalogue PASSED
  Test loadTableVars : extarct table properties from catalogue - exception-parquet PASSED
  Test loadTableVars : extarct table properties from catalogue - exception - jsonFormat PASSED
  Test loadTableVars : extarct table properties from catalogue - exception - Avor Format PASSED
  Test loadTableVars : extarct table properties from catalogue - exception - csv Format PASSED
  Test loadTableVars : extarct table properties from catalogue - exception - text Format PASSED
  Test loadTableVars : Unable to load the table properties and throws exception in case if provided serde library is not in listed serde PASSED
  Test removeHdfsData : remove hdfs path PASSED
  Test removeHdfsData : remove hdfs path - not to delete root path accidentally PASSED
  Test removeHdfsData : remove hdfs path - delete the tableURI PASSED
  Test removeHdfsData : Unable remove specified path(non existed) and throws exception in case if there is any with application functions PASSED
  Test removeHdfsData : Unable remove specified path(exception test) and throws exception in case if there is any with application functions PASSED
  Test loadDataFile : load data file into row of RDD - no clence PASSED
  Test loadDataFile : load data file into row of RDD - with clensing PASSED
  Test loadDataFile : load data file into row of RDD - read the file in binary format PASSED
  Test loadDataFile : load data file into row of RDD - read the file in binary format - default options PASSED
  Test loadDataFile : load data file into row of RDD - Raise an exception in case if there is any issue with loading the file PASSED
  Test writeHiveTable : Test to write Data Into Hive (overwrite) PASSED
  Test writeHiveTable : Test to write Data Into Hive (append) PASSED
  Test writeHiveTable : Test to write Data Into Hive - partition - append PASSED
  Test writeHiveTable : Test to write Data Into Hive - partition - overwrite PASSED
  Test writeHiveTable : Unable to write to the table and throws exception in case if table does not exists PASSED
  Test loadTableandRegister : Load Hive table to a dataframe PASSED
  Test loadTableandRegister : Load Hive table to a dataframe - with Temp View PASSED
  Test loadTableandRegister : Unable to load Table and throws exception for given table if a table and database not existed PASSED
  Test loadTableandRegister : Unable to load table and throws exception for given table if a table not existed PASSED
  Test loadTableandRegister : Unable to load table and throws exception for given table if a database not existed PASSED
  Test loadSchemaTests : able to extract the schema from a catalogue PASSED
  Test loadSchema : Unable to load schema and throws exception for given table if a table and database not existed PASSED
  Test loadSchema : Unable to load schema and throws exception for given table if a table not existed PASSED
  Test loadSchema : Unable to load schema and throws exception for given table if a database not existed PASSED
  Test loadSchema: able to create H2 DB Instance and create table for testing purpose PASSED
  Test loadSchema: able to read data from RDBMS Data source PASSED
  Test loadSchema: Exception while unable to read schema from Database PASSED
  Test getCuratedDF : load the CSV file to a dataframe PASSED
  Test getCuratedDF : load the binary file to a dataframe PASSED
  Test getCuratedDF : load the binary file to a dataframe - >5% invalid dataTypes PASSED
  Test getCuratedDF : load the json file to a dataframe PASSED
  Test getCuratedDF : load the json file to a dataframe with target column rename in congention with format change PASSED
  Test getCuratedDF : load the siiam binary file to a dataframe PASSED
  Test getCuratedDF : Unable curate the table and throws exception in case if there is any with application functions PASSED
  Test getCuratedDF : load the json file with infer schema to a dataframe PASSED
  Test loadCuratedTable : load the curated Table from Binary File PASSED (33s)
  Test loadCuratedTable : load the curated Table from Json File PASSED (23s)
  Test loadCuratedTable : load the curated Table under the throshold record counts PASSED (20.3s)
  Test loadCuratedTable : load the json file to a dataframe PASSED
  Test loadCuratedTable : load the CSV with tagged columns to a dataframe PASSED
  Test loadCuratedTable : load the CSV with tagged columns to a dataframe with Runtime columns PASSED
  Test loadCuratedTable : load the CSV with tagged columns to a dataframe with Runtime columns with date Format YYYYDDMM Format PASSED
  Test loadCuratedTable : load the data into target bucket in case if error threshold is under specified limit PASSED (19.5s)
  Test loadCuratedTable : load the data into error bucket in case if error threshold is under specified limit for faulty records PASSED
  Test driver : Able to run End to End Application PASSED
  Test driver : Able to run End to End Application with spark application extra columns PASSED
  Test driver : Able to run End to End Application with spark application extra columns defaulted to NULL PASSED
  Test driver : CSV file with no source formats specified while reading non standard dates should use default Spark - CSV parser behaviour PASSED
  Test driver : Unable to commence execution and throws exception incase if given input parameters are not valid(too few) PASSED
  Test driver : Quoted Data with pipe separation PASSED (17.9s)
  Test driver : load the default data - not override the current data incase if data is present in source PASSED (17.2s)
  Test driver : Record filter test - select with start of record PASSED
  Test driver : Record filter test - select with end of record PASSED
  Test driver : Record filter test - select with start and end PASSED
  Test driver : Fixed width file with variable record header length PASSED
  Test driver : Fixed width file with variable record header length with custom header format PASSED
  Test dataTypeValidationTests : Able to throw the exception in case of reaching the threshold data quality >4% invalid records PASSED
  Test getLatestDataSetsTest : Validating the result for given overwrite Mode PASSED
  Test getLatestDataSetsTest : Validating the result for given overwrite Mode with orc and writeMode append PASSED
  Test getLatestDataSetsTest : Validating the result for given overwrite Mode with orc and writeMode overWrite PASSED
  Test getLatestDataSetsTest : Validating the result for given overwrite Mode with parquet and writeMode append PASSED
  Test getLatestDataSetsTest : Validating the result for given overwrite Mode with parquet and writeMode overWrite PASSED
  Test getLatestDataSetsTest : Validating the result for given overwrite Mode with avro and writeMode append PASSED
  Test getLatestDataSetsTest : Validating the result for given overwrite Mode with avro and writeMode overWrite PASSED
  Test getLatestDataSetsTest : Validating the result for given overwrite Mode with com.databricks.spark.avro and writeMode append PASSED
  Test getLatestDataSetsTest : Validating the result for given overwrite Mode with com.databricks.spark.avro and writeMode overWrite PASSED
  Test getLatestDataSetsTest : Able to throw the exception in case of source Directory not existed PASSED
  Test extractTaggedColumns : Extract the tokens out of the file Name PASSED
  Test extractTaggedColumns : Exception in case of not been able to extract in case of token matching is not possible PASSED
  Test extractTaggedColumns : Exception in case of not enough tokens matched for the given senario PASSED
  Test extractTaggedColumns : log a warinig and continue in case few tokens requested than the selecetd PASSED
  Test loadRDD : Unable to load the file and throws exception in case if it is not existed PASSED
  Test loadRDD : Unable to load the file and throws exception in case if input directory has empty files PASSED
  Test archiveData : Move the processed data into archive area PASSED
  Test archiveData : Exception in case if it could be able to move the processed data into archive area due to source issue PASSED
  Test archiveData : Exception in case if not be able to move the processed data into archive area PASSED
  Test archiveData : Move the processed data into archive area - in overwrite mode move all files in processing directory PASSED
  Test getArrayColList : Test to Extract Arrays Items form Schema PASSED
  Test flattenColList : Process non Nested Structure PASSED
  Test flattenColList : Flatten the Nested Structure PASSED
  Test flattenColList : Flatten the Nested Structure - with PFX PASSED
  Test flattenColList : Flatten the Multy Nested Structure PASSED
  Test flattenColList : Unable to flatten the given columns in case if input schema is empty PASSED
  Test explodeDF : Clean the null fields in array elements and explode the DF PASSED
  Test getTargetValidationFilter : Generate the Schema driven SQL for Filter Condition PASSED
  Test getTargetValidationFilter : Exception in case if not be able extract target validation filter PASSED
  Test getTargetValidationFilter : Empty schema PASSED
  Test isSchemaSame : Schema Comparision Utility - equal context PASSED
  Test isSchemaSame : Schema Comparision Utility - not equal context PASSED
  Test isSchemaSame : Schema Comparision Utility - in order items PASSED
  Test isSchemaSame : select only subset of total columns - sortAndConv PASSED
  Test removeHeaderAndFooter : remove the header from text/binary/fixedwidth files PASSED
  Test removeHeaderAndFooter : remove the footer from text/binary/fixedwidth files PASSED
  Test removeHeaderAndFooter : remove the header and footer from text/binary/fixedwidth files PASSED
  Test removeHeaderAndFooter : remove the header (of size 10 rows ) from text/binary/fixedwidth files PASSED
  Test removeHeaderAndFooter : remove the footer (of size 10 rows ) from text/binary/fixedwidth files PASSED
  Test removeHeaderAndFooter : remove the header(1 row) and footer (of size 10 rows) from text/binary/fixedwidth files PASSED
  Test removeHeaderAndFooter : remove the header from text/binary/fixedwidth files (with other header option (fales)) PASSED
  Test removeHeaderAndFooter : remove the header from text/binary/fixedwidth files (with other header option (fales) and headerLength - 5) PASSED
  Test removeHeaderAndFooter : remove the header from text/binary/fixedwidth files (with no header option) PASSED
  Test removeHeaderAndFooter : raise an exeception while remove the header PASSED
  Test GetExternalSchemaTests : ReadSchema from DDL PASSED
  Test GetExternalSchemaTests : ReadSchema from AvroSchema PASSED
  Test GetExternalSchemaTests : ReadSchema from JsonSchema PASSED
  Test GetExternalSchemaTests : Raise Exception incase if not able to produce schema for given input PASSED
  Test UnZipFile : Unzip the content and load as RDD PASSED
  Test headerToColumns : Exception while unable to load header from file PASSED
  Test getCuratedDF : load the Cobol file to a dataframe PASSED

SUCCESS: Executed 155 tests in 3m 12s

Usage Instructions :


Application JAR : built Jar which compiled out of this source code.

ARG1 : Properties file consists of the above mentioned properties. This file must be placed in Distributed filesystem(s3/hdfs) as it can be accessed from anywhere where the driver git initiated in case of local file system we can add them to --fies option so that spark will distribute them to executors.

ARG2 : Amended Audit column list as key value pairs mapped using = ex : src_date=2017-12-31, load_timestamp=2017-12-31 10:15:05,ingestion_id=1524369

ARG3 : Extract Run directory to be amended after the source path is re-constructed.

Aditional Info :

for Json

In along with loading the data the script will flatten the Json structure.

the following actions will be performed while flattening the json

graph LR
Raw Data(Strat) --> Schema Infer DataFrame  --> Null Replaced Array Items --> Flatten Array elements (exploded) --> flatten Schema items --> Schema Infer DataFrame  

In case if given Json has partial columns and need to be loaded additional column all you need is to set in readerOptions - inferTargetSchema=true will merge the target Schema and source schema and infer to the input dataset.

please keep in mind that by setting inferTargetSchema=true may lead to full row nulls in case if the file is not belongs to the target, as it just keep nulls when there is no reference.