bizreach / robotparser-scala

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

robotparser-scala implements a parser for the robots.txt file format in Scala.

robotparser-scala Build Status

robotparser-scala implements a parser for the robots.txt file format in Scala.


Add robotparser-scala as a dependency in build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "" %% "robotparser-scala" % "0.0.5"


You'll parse the robots.txt file as following:


val stream: InputStream = ...
val robotsTxt = RobotsTxtParser.parse(stream)

And then, you have RobotsTxt instance. By default, character encoding is UTF-8.

If you'll parse the sitemap file, as following:


val stream: InputStream = ...
SitemapParser.parse(stream) match {
  // Sitemap file
  case x: Urlset => ...

  // Sitemap Index file
  case x: Sitemapindex => ...

SitemapParser supports following files:

  • XML Sitemap
  • XML Sitemap Index
  • Text Sitemap
  • gz

And then, you have Urlset or Sitemapindex instance. By default, character encoding is UTF-8.