
This is a expansion of FunSpec of scalatest.


Available from maven central.

If you use SBT you can include util-backports in your project with

libraryDependencies += "com.github.bigwheel" %% "scalatest-structured-before" % "1.0"


Check test code.

class FunSpecExSpec extends FunSpecEx with Matchers {

  var subject: Int = _

  describeWithText("description can be used in test") { desc =>
    it ("like this") {
      desc should be("description can be used in test")

  describeWithBefore("When initialized by 0"){ subject = 0 } {
    it("is 0") {
      subject should be(0)

    describeWithBefore("when + 5"){ subject += 5 } {
      it("is 5") {
        subject should be(5)

      describeWithBefore("then - 3"){ subject -= 3 } {
        it("is 2") {
          subject should be(2)
        it("also is even") {
          (2 % 2) should be (0)

      describeWithTextAndBefore("and * -1"){ subject *= -1 } { desc =>
        it("is -5") {
          subject should be(-5)
        it("desc can be used in test") {
          desc should be ("and * -1")

    describe("with normal description") {
      describeWithBefore("works correctly (+ 9)") { subject += 9 } {
        it("is 9") {
          subject should be(9)

        they("`they` also be able to be used") {
          subject should be(9)

