this plugin can be used to generate the boiler plate code to access a database and provide a rest api for it that offers create read update delete. I use Slick for the database access.
from the demo blog project for example
GET /tables/blog ( with optional query params sortBy and direction)
GET /tables/blog// (this queries database where = . You can also use optional query params sortBy and direction)
GET /tables/blog/
POST /tables/blog
PUT /tables/blog
DELETE /tables/blog/:blog_id
Note if GET / queries a timestamp it should be passes a long value not text representation
slick,controller and routes generated from single configuration file.
You have to create the database as well as configure it in application.conf
There are sample test projects under directory
a simple project
that shows how the configuration file
generates some simple code with an event simple form to create entries. There are also from curl commands as well.
A more complicated 2 table example.
This one is a simple blog that shows a user table and a blog table. The user table holds 1 entry for demo purposes, see src/sbt-test/crudplugin/blog/conf/evolutions/1.sql. Without logging on the blog api is unavilable.
The example project shows uses a Module to override the generated Action implementation and the project provides its own authentication classes. The project also includes a better example of mapping the date from json to a timestamp in the conf file
object_mapper = "extends DateConvert(inDateFormat=\"YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\" , outDateFormat=\"YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\")"
The configuration file is used to generate some slick db code to perform usual sql operations. The generated scala code is directory target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main
The plugin will scan for all files under conf/crud and generate a set of files
- Model.scala holds the case class that represents the db table
- TableOperation.scala holds the slick code for db operations
- Api.scala is the scala code for play to expose api
- DataConvert is a class for handling mapping db timestamp to json
- CrudAction is a trait and class for the api that can be overriden to implement authentication. The blog project shows some simple authentication on the api's.
the plugin also generates a routes file in conf using the package as defined in the equivalent conf/crud file
so in the example project the package is org.bjason and the config file is Request so we end up with this file
that needs to be included in routes file with this
-> /tables/request org.bjason.request.Routes
if we want to be able to call the crud api with a uri like
model = {
name = "<same as filename>"
packageName = "<start of package name>"
fields = [
// a list of the fields now
name = "<scala field name>"
type = "<scala type, can be an Option too>"
column = "<database column name>"
column_definition = "<optional entry see>"
}, ....
object_mapper = "<optional if the table has a timestamp to convert>"
the plugin can be built and tested using
sbt:crud4playplugin> scripted
Automated builds here
and to release code
sbt release