benoitlouy / indent   0.8.0


Indentation aware string interpolation for scala

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12


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Indentation aware string interpolation.

To include indent in your project

libraryDependencies += "com.github.benoitlouy" %% "indent" % "0.8.0"


import indent._
import spaces2._

// create an Indented block from a String
val sectionContent = """Lorem ipsum
                       |Indented list
                       |  - item 1
                       |  - item 2""".stripMargin.indented
// sectionContent: Indented = Lorem ipsum
// Indented list
// •- item 1
// •- item 2

// combine Indented blocks while maintaining indentation
val doc = i"""Header
             |  1. First Section
             |    ${sectionContent}
             |  2. Second Section
             |    ${sectionContent}"""
// doc: Indented = Header
// •1. First Section
// ••Lorem ipsum
// ••Indented list
// •••- item 1
// •••- item 2
// •2. Second Section
// ••Lorem ipsum
// ••Indented list
// •••- item 1
// •••- item 2

// generate a String with 2 spaces for indentation
// res0: String = """Header
//   1. First Section
//     Lorem ipsum
//     Indented list
//       - item 1
//       - item 2
//   2. Second Section
//     Lorem ipsum
//     Indented list
//       - item 1
//       - item 2"""

// generate a String with 4 spaces for indentation
doc.indentWith("    ")
// res1: String = """Header
//     1. First Section
//         Lorem ipsum
//         Indented list
//             - item 1
//             - item 2
//     2. Second Section
//         Lorem ipsum
//         Indented list
//             - item 1
//             - item 2"""

// an indented block can also be generated from a sequence of Indented
val indentedBlocks = Vector(
  i"""  1. First Entry
     |    Content""",
  i"""  2. Second Entry
      |    Other Content"""
// indentedBlocks: Indented = •1. First Entry
// ••Content
// •2. Second Entry
// ••Other Content

   |  $indentedBlocks"""
// res2: Indented = Header
// ••1. First Entry
// •••Content
// ••2. Second Entry
// •••Other Content

The library provides instances for tab, 2 and 4 space indentation.

4-space indentation

import indent._
import spaces4._

tab indentation

import indent._
import tab._

Using a custom String for indentation can be achieved by creating an instance of Indent and importing it's members.

import indent._

val spaces3 = Indent.using("   ")
import spaces3._