awwsmm / zepto   1.0.0


A teeny, tiny, customisable, dependency-free shell for interactive Scala applications.

Scala versions: 2.13


A teeny, tiny, customisable, dependency-free shell for interactive Scala applications.


Add zepto to your build.sbt libraryDependencies with

"io.github.awwsmm" %% "zepto" % "1.0.0"

Then, add a Terminal to your project like

import io.github.awwsmm.zepto.{Command, Terminal}

object Main extends App {
  import Command._

  // example custom command
  val hello = Command("hello", "says hello", _ => Some("Hello, World!"))

  // example custom prompt
  val prompt = "\nmyshell$ "

  // register all the commands
  val commands = Set(Echo, Ohce, Quit, hello, help(Set(Echo, Ohce, Quit, hello)))

  // create the terminal with the custom commands and prompt
  val terminal = new Terminal(commands, prompt)

  // run the terminal until the user `quit` s

Running with sbt gives output like

$ sbt
[info] started sbt server
sbt:example> run
[info] running org.example

myshell$ hello
Hello, World!

myshell$ echo My name is Zepto
My name is Zepto


Example Shell

You can also clone this repository and run the zepto example shell from the command line with sbt

$ sbt run
[info] running zepto.Main

zepto> echo test

zepto> ohce test

zepto> help
echo => echoes text
help => prints this help text
ohce => reverses and echoes text
quit => quits the terminal
