avast / kluzo   3.0.1


Library for passing tracing ID between threads in multi-threaded applications

Scala versions: 2.12

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Kluzo as in inspector Clouseau

The goal of this library is to add tracing capabilities to our backends. It defines TraceId which needs to be passed throughout the call chain and between backends to connect different calls and actions that were initiated by some initial request. Trace ID is alternatively called correlation ID. This library is based upon the Continuity library.

The idea is that the trace ID should appear in all log messages related to the request, it should be passed between backends (e.g. via HTTP headers) and hopefully it should also be somehow connected to database or queue calls. The end result should be an overview of communication spurred by a single request. Zipkin could be used for that.

It has both Scala and Java APIs.

Most of you won't need to work with this library as it should be integrated into other libraries for seamless cooperation. The only thing that is required and you might need to do yourself is to wrap all your executors (Executor, ExecutorService, ExecutionContext, EventLoopGroup) in Continuity wrappers.


dependencies {
    compile 'com.avast:kluzo_?:1.0-SNAPSHOT'




This is a recommended format for the Kluzo trace ID:

<pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level [%-10mdc{traceId}] [%thread] %-35logger{35}: %msg \(%file:%line\)%n%xThrowable{full}</pattern>


val executor = Continuity.wrapExecutionContext(ExecutionContext.global)(Kluzo.ThreadNamer)

Kluzo.withTraceId(Some(TraceId.generate)) {
  executor.execute(new Runnable {
    override def run(): Unit = {
      logger.info("logging message")