The goal of this project is to provide the following constructs:
- Allocation free option types for both primitives and reference types
- Higher order functions that are inlined by a macro expansion during compilation
Its functionality is based in part on the excellent work Paul Phillips contributed to 2.11.0-M5 to make extractors name based. Optional Primitives
Each primitive (save for Char and Boolean currently) has its own dedicated optional type. Null/empty values are represented by sentinels:
- In the case of integral types, Type.MinValue
- In the case of floating point types, NaN
Reference types share an optional implementation much like Scala's Option[A]
. The sentinel value for reference types is null
Pattern matching is similar to that of Scala's Option
x match {
case OptionalLong(value) => // no allocation or boxing, matches if x != Long.MinValue
case _ =>
x match {
case Optional(value) => // no allocation, matches if x != null
case _ =>
####Factory Methods
Each primitive type has a direct constructor, e.g. OptionalInt(5)
. For convenience, there are overloaded factory methods in the Optional
companion object to allow for construction of the appropriate type. For example
scala> import org.nalloc.bitb.kcits.optional._
import org.nalloc.bitb.kcits.optional._
scala> val b = Optional(5.toByte)
b: org.nalloc.bitb.kcits.optional.OptionalByte = 5
scala> val l = Optional(5L)
l: org.nalloc.bitb.kcits.optional.OptionalLong = 5
####Higher Order Functions
Each higher order function offers the same characteristics:
- Primitives will not box to their object counterparts
- None of the OptionalX instances will allocate, subject to the limitations described in
- No anonymous functions / closures will be created for the lambdas or method values passed into the higher order functions
The following functions are currently available in the master branch:
map[B](f: A => B): OptionalTypeForB
's value is the sentinel for that type, the function is not applied and instead the empty OptionalTypeB is returned
val y = OptionalInt(x).map(_ + 1)
val y = Optional(x).map(List(_))
flatMap[B](f: A => OptionalTypeForB): OptionalTypeForB
's value is the sentinel for that type, the function is not applied and instead the empty OptionalTypeB is returned
val y = OptionalInt(x).flatMap(x => OptionalLong(x + 1L))
val y = Optional(x).flatMap(x => Optional(List(x)))
foreach[A](f: A => Unit)
's value is the sentinel for that type, the foreach block is not executed.
exists[A](f: A => Boolean): Boolean
's value is the sentinel for that type, returns false. Otherwise evaluates the passed in function.
Optional(x).exists(_ == "foo")
OptionalInt(x).exists(_ % 2 == 0)
filter[A](f: A => Boolean): OptionalType
's value is the sentinel for that type or the passed in function evaluates false, returns the empty optional type. Otherwise returns the original optional type.
Optional(x).filter(_ == "foo")
OptionalInt(x).filter(_ % 2 == 0)
getOrElse[A](f: => A): A
's value is the sentinel for that type, evaluates and returns the default. Otherwise returns the value held in the Optional wrapper.
orElse[A](f: => OptionalTypeForA): OptionalTypeForA
's value is the sentinel for that type, evaluates and returns the default. Otherwise returns the original Optional wrapper.
fold[B](ifEmpty: => B)(f: A => B): A
's value is the sentinel for that type, evaluates and returns the default. Otherwise appliesf
to the underlying value.
Optional(x).fold("foo")(_ + "bar)
OptionalInt(x).fold(15)(x => x + 1)
forAll[A](f: A => Boolean): Boolean
's value is the sentinel for that type, returns true. Otherwise evaluates the passed in function.
Optional(x).forAll(_ == "foo")
OptionalInt(x).forAll(_ % 2 == 0)
collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): OptionalTypeForB
's value is the sentinel for that type, the function is not applied and instead the empty OptionalTypeB is returned. Otherwise evaluates the passed in partial function, defaulting to the empty OptionalTypeB if an explicit default was not provided.
Optional(x).collect {
case x if x.length % 2 == 0 => x
case _ => x.substring(1) // can supply an explicit default
case x if x % 2 == 0 => x // OK not to supply explicit default, OptionalInt.empty will be added as a default
The project is built against Scala 2.11.0 and uses Name Based Extractors which appeared in 2.11.0-M5.
libraryDependencies += "org.nalloc" %% "optional" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
import org.nalloc.bitb.kcits.optional._
Comments, feedback, bugs and feature suggestions are all welcome. I am considering adding additional classes with unsigned semantics and some collection support to get around the issue with using value classes in e.g. Arrays causing them to be allocated.