andrey-ilinykh / tfs-protobuf   1.13.0

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TensorFlow Serving protobuf file extractor

Scala versions: 2.12


TensorFlow Serving protobuf file extractor

tfs-protobuf is a collection of all protobuf files used by TensorFlow and TensorFlow Serving. It is usefull to access TensorFlow Serving from scala.


This is an example of tfs-protobuf usage with ScalaPB

PB.targets in Compile := Seq(
  scalapb.gen() -> (sourceManaged in Compile).value

libraryDependencies ++=
    "com.thesamet.scalapb" %% "scalapb-runtime" % scalapb.compiler.Version.scalapbVersion % "protobuf",
    "io.grpc" % "grpc-netty" % scalapb.compiler.Version.grpcJavaVersion,
    "com.thesamet.scalapb" %% "scalapb-runtime-grpc" % scalapb.compiler.Version.scalapbVersion,
    "org.ailinykh" %% "tfs-protobuf" % "1.12.1" % "protobuf"

PB.protoSources in Compile += target.value / "protobuf_external"