A module for Play! framework that allows to trace a request flow easily.
When you are looking at the logs from an application serving several concurrent requests, it can be a pain to trace the flow of a request from its start to its end. This plugin helps you to trace a request flow easily.
This plugin works only when you are using Guice for dependency injection.
This is a very simple log produced by an example application:
[info] c.a.c.a.LoggingAction - PlayRequest(6037d497a8e6472a83798d19ccb8cf74) - REQUEST: localhost:9000 - GET / HTTP/1.1
[info] c.a.c.a.LoggingAction - PlayRequest(7666f2d20ba24fb9a997d162cf2aa94a) - REQUEST: localhost:9000 - GET / HTTP/1.1
[info] c.a.c.MyController - PlayRequest(7666f2d20ba24fb9a997d162cf2aa94a) - Index called
[info] c.a.c.a.LoggingAction - PlayRequest(efc07cb351ac45e989644c034de12d2e) - REQUEST: localhost:9000 - GET / HTTP/1.1
[info] c.a.c.MyController - PlayRequest(efc07cb351ac45e989644c034de12d2e) - Index called
[info] c.a.c.MyService - PlayRequest(7666f2d20ba24fb9a997d162cf2aa94a) - verifying something
[info] c.a.c.MyService - PlayRequest(efc07cb351ac45e989644c034de12d2e) - verifying something
[info] c.a.c.MyController - PlayRequest(6037d497a8e6472a83798d19ccb8cf74) - Index called
[info] c.a.c.a.LoggingAction - PlayRequest(d14a76c362f347e7997e9eb4b8bf7ebd) - REQUEST: localhost:9000 - GET / HTTP/1.1
[info] c.a.c.MyController - PlayRequest(d14a76c362f347e7997e9eb4b8bf7ebd) - Index called
[info] c.a.c.MyService - PlayRequest(6037d497a8e6472a83798d19ccb8cf74) - verifying something
[info] c.a.c.MyService - PlayRequest(d14a76c362f347e7997e9eb4b8bf7ebd) - verifying something
[info] c.a.c.a.LoggingAction - PlayRequest(e904eea1057b4f11aaa16a6c32c91339) - REQUEST: localhost:9000 - GET / HTTP/1.1
[info] c.a.c.MyController - PlayRequest(e904eea1057b4f11aaa16a6c32c91339) - Index called
[info] c.a.c.MyService - PlayRequest(e904eea1057b4f11aaa16a6c32c91339) - verifying something
[info] c.a.c.a.LoggingAction - PlayRequest(51cdab26396246d0b5e3af29c1ea1f59) - REQUEST: localhost:9000 - GET / HTTP/1.1
[info] c.a.c.MyController - PlayRequest(51cdab26396246d0b5e3af29c1ea1f59) - Index called
[info] c.a.c.MyService - PlayRequest(51cdab26396246d0b5e3af29c1ea1f59) - verifying something
[info] c.a.c.a.LoggingAction - PlayRequest(3c3036197fa442aab2ddfbb91a20bd5c) - REQUEST: localhost:9000 - GET / HTTP/1.1
[info] c.a.c.MyController - PlayRequest(3c3036197fa442aab2ddfbb91a20bd5c) - Index called
[info] c.a.c.a.LoggingAction - PlayRequest(a3f6e546284242c9a4bc1a5dbfd559bc) - REQUEST: localhost:9000 - GET / HTTP/1.1
[info] c.a.c.MyController - PlayRequest(a3f6e546284242c9a4bc1a5dbfd559bc) - Index called
[info] c.a.c.MyService - PlayRequest(a3f6e546284242c9a4bc1a5dbfd559bc) - verifying something
[info] c.a.c.MyService - PlayRequest(3c3036197fa442aab2ddfbb91a20bd5c) - verifying something
As you can see, each log have a PlayRequest
attached, which could be used to filter a request flow with a simple grep
grep "6037d497a8e6472a83798d19ccb8cf74" logs/application.log
[info] c.a.c.a.LoggingAction - PlayRequest(6037d497a8e6472a83798d19ccb8cf74) - REQUEST: localhost:9000 - GET / HTTP/1.1
[info] c.a.c.MyController - PlayRequest(6037d497a8e6472a83798d19ccb8cf74) - Index called
[info] c.a.c.MyService - PlayRequest(6037d497a8e6472a83798d19ccb8cf74) - verifying something
We could be more precise using grep "PlayRequest(6037d497a8e6472a83798d19ccb8cf74)" logs/application.log
As you can see, this have removed all the noise from logs that are not related to the request that we selected.
Add this line to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.alexitc" %% "play-request-tracer" % "0.1.0"
This plugin uses request-scoped objects, you need to create a custom router like this:
package com.alexitc
import javax.inject.Inject
import com.alexitc.play.tracer.PlayRequestTracerRouter
import com.google.inject.Injector
class MyRouter @Inject()(injector: Injector)
extends PlayRequestTracerRouter[router.Routes](injector)
Then, add it to your application.conf
file with a line like this:
play.http.router = "com.alexitc.MyRouter"
And that's it, now you can integrate the request logger.
There are two predefined ways to integrate this plugin, both of them uses a logger
value which uses slf4j
to support any of its implementations.
In order to create the logger, you need a PlayRequestId
, it could be easily injected by Guice once you follow the previous steps.
This is an example of a service using our request tracer:
import javax.inject.Inject
import com.alexitc.play.tracer.{PlayRequestId, PlayRequestTracerLoggerFactory}
class MyService @Inject()(implicit val requestId: PlayRequestId) {
val logger = PlayRequestTracerLoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[MyService])
logger.info("It's working!")
This is an example of a controller using the predefined trait:
import javax.inject.Inject
import com.alexitc.play.tracer.{PlayRequestId, PlayRequestTracing}
class MyController @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents)
extends AbstractController(cc)
with PlayRequestTracing {
At this time, there are some limitations that you should be aware of.
Sadly, at this time there is no way to get request-scoped objects in filters, hence we can't create our request tracer.
In order to link a request with a log, we would need to log request information, to overcome to this limitation, you could use the action composition approach from Play! (see https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.6.x/ScalaActionsComposition). There is a demo of this approach (https://github.com/AlexITC/play-request-tracer/blob/master/examples/play-example/app/com/alexitc/controllers/actions/LoggingAction.scala) that you could modify to suit your needs.
While this is a very convenient way for integrating the plugin, you should avoid it if you plan to add complex logic in the class constructor.
At this time, there is no way to use the plugin without Guice dependency injection.
If you want to help growing the project, you are welcome to submit issues or pull requests, any contribution would be appreciated.