alexdupre / shapeshift-scala   2.5

BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License GitHub

A Scala library for the ShapeShift API

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12


Build Status

An asynchronous / non-blocking Scala library for the ShapeShift API.


The latest release of the library is cross-compiled for Scala 2.11, 2.12 and 2.13, and supports only Gigahorse with OkHttp backend as HTTP provider to avoid AHC/Netty version conflicts.

Previous versions of the library support only Scala 2.11 and were cross-compiled with different versions of Dispatch-Reboot, Gigahorse and Play-WS to fit every scenario.

Choose the appropriate artifact based on your needs:

Version Artifact Id HTTP Provider AHC Netty Play-JSON Scala
2.5 shapeshift-gigahorse Gigahorse 0.5.x N/A N/A 2.8.x 2.12 & 2.13
2.4 shapeshift-gigahorse Gigahorse 0.5.x N/A N/A 2.7.x 2.11 & 2.12 & 2.13
2.3 shapeshift-gigahorse Gigahorse 0.3.x N/A N/A 2.7.x 2.11 & 2.12
2.2 shapeshift-gigahorse Gigahorse 0.3.x N/A N/A 2.6.x 2.11 & 2.12
1.1 shapeshift-dispatch0112 Dispatch 0.11.2 1.8.x 3.9.x 2.3.x 2.11 Only
1.1 shapeshift-dispatch0113 Dispatch 0.11.3 1.9.x 3.10.x 2.4.x 2.11 Only
1.1 shapeshift-gigahorse Gigahorse 0.2.x 2.0.x 4.0.x 2.5.x 2.11 Only
1.1 shapeshift-playws23 Play WS 2.3.x 1.8.x 3.9.x 2.3.x 2.11 Only
1.1 shapeshift-playws24 Play WS 2.4.x 1.9.x 3.10.x 2.4.x 2.11 Only
1.1 shapeshift-playws25 Play WS 2.5.x 2.0.x 4.0.x 2.5.x 2.11 Only

and then, if you're using SBT, add the following line to your build file:

libraryDependencies += "com.alexdupre.shapeshift" %% "<artifactId>" % "<version>"


To initialize the library you just need to instantiate a client with the chosen provider.

For Gigahorse:

import com.alexdupre.shapeshift.ShapeShiftAPI
import com.alexdupre.shapeshift.provider.ShapeShiftGigahorseProvider

val client: ShapeShiftAPI = ShapeShiftGigahorseProvider.newClient()

For Dispatch:

import com.alexdupre.shapeshift.ShapeShiftAPI
import com.alexdupre.shapeshift.provider.ShapeShiftDispatchProvider

val client: ShapeShiftAPI = ShapeShiftDispatchProvider.newClient()

For Play:

import com.alexdupre.shapeshift.ShapeShiftAPI
import com.alexdupre.shapeshift.provider.ShapeShiftPlayProvider

val client: ShapeShiftAPI = ShapeShiftPlayProvider.newClient(WS.client)


The ShapeShiftAPI trait contains all the public methods that can be called on the client object.

Eg. if you like to trade Bitcoin for Ether you can obtain a deposit address with the following code:

import com.alexdupre.shapeshift.models._

val market = Market("BTC", "ETH")
val outputAddress = "0xB368D70EF5F3466c8Fbd5B66cebE384D4E4C3d27"
val order: Future[OpenOrder] = client.createOpenTransaction(market, outputAddress)