alexarchambault / sbt-compatibility   0.0.8

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Compatibility checks for your dependencies

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.x



  • configures sbt-mima automatically
  • ensures that none of your dependencies are bumped or removed in an incompatible way.

How to use

Add to your project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("io.github.alexarchambault.sbt" % "sbt-compatibility" % "0.0.4")

The latest version is Maven Central.

sbt-compatibility depends on sbt-mima, so that you don't need to explicitly depend on it.


The compatibilityCheck key:

  • runs mimaReportBinaryIssues,
  • along with compatibilityReportDependencyIssues

compatibilityReportDependencyIssues itself checks for

  • removed dependencies, or
  • dependencies bumped in an incompatible way,

and fails if any of these checks fails.

Automatic previous version calculation

sbt-compatibility automatically sets mimaPreviousArtifacts, depending on the current value of version, kind of like sbt-mima-version-check does. The previously compatible version is computed from version the following way:

  • drop any "metadata part" (anything after a +, including the + itself)
    • if the resulting version contains only zeros (like 0.0.0), leave mimaPreviousArtifacts empty,
    • else if the resulting version does not contain a qualifier (see below), it is used in mimaPreviousArtifacts.
  • else, drop the qualifier part, that is any suffix like -RC1 or -M2 or -alpha or -SNAPSHOT
    • if the resulting version ends with .0, mimaPreviousArtifacts is left empty
    • else, the last numerical part of this version is decreased by one, and used in mimaPreviousArtifacts.


compatibilityReportDependencyIssues compares the dependencies of compatibilityPreviousArtifacts to the current ones.

By default, compatibilityPreviousArtifacts relies on mimaPreviousArtifacts from sbt-mima, so that only setting / changing mimaPreviousArtifacts is enough for both sbt-mima and sbt-compatibility.


compatibilityRules allows to specify whether some version bumps are allowed or not, like

compatibilityRules += "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-xml" % "semver"

The following compatility types are available:

  • semver: assumes the matched modules follow semantic versioning,
  • pvp: assumes the matched modules follow package versioning policy (quite common in Scala),
  • always: assumes all versions of the matched modules are compatible with each other,
  • strict: requires exact matches between the wanted and the selected versions of the matched modules.

If no rule for a module is found in compatibilityRules, compatibilityDefaultReconciliation is used as a compatibility type. It's default value is VersionCompatibility.PackVer (package versioning policy).


sbt-compatibility is funded by the Scala Center.