"com.adrianfilip" %% "zio-properties" % "1.0"
Property resolution order:
- command line arguments
- system properties
- environment variables
- HOCON file
- Looks for an application.conf if hoconFile and profile properties are not present in any previous source and application.conf in present in the classpath
- if the hoconFile property is present the mentioned file will be used (and profile is ignored for HOCON file resolution). Fails if file not found in classpath.
- if hoconFile is not present and profile is not present application.conf file will be used if present (does not fail if file not found in classpath)
- if profile is present
- and has a value that when lowercased equals "prod" or is empty string then application.conf file will be used if present (does not fail if file not found in classpath) otherwise
- the application-${lowercase.profile}.conf file will be used if present (does not fail if file not found in classpath) otherwise
- properties file
- Looks for an if propertiesFile and profile properties are not present in any previous source and in present in the classpath
- if the propertiesFile property is present the mentioned file will be used (and profile is ignored for properties file resolution). Fails if file not found in classpath.
- if propertiesFile is not present and profile is not present file will be used if present (does not fail if file not found in classpath)
- if profile is present
- and has a value that when lowercased equals "prod" or is empty string then file will be used if present (does not fail if file not found in classpath) otherwise
- the application-${lowercase.profile}.properties file will be used if present (does not fail if file not found in classpath) otherwise
How the properties must be provided for each source:
- command line arguments => keyDelimiter="." , valueDelimiter=","
- system properties => keyDelimiter="_" , valueDelimiter=","
- environment properties => keyDelimiter="_" , valueDelimiter=","
- HOCON file
db {
- properties file => keyDelimiter="." , valueDelimiter=","
Example usage:
(You can see the full example in ZioPropertiesExample.scala)
def run(args: List[String]): ZIO[ZEnv, Nothing, Int] = {
//create the descriptor for your AppProperties
val desc = descriptor[AppProperties]
val p = for {
//provide the arguments from main method and the descriptor to create the Layer
layer <- ZioProperties.createPropertiesLayer(args, desc)
props <- myProgram.provideCustomLayer(layer)
} yield props
* Effects that require AppProperties can retrieve it from the Layer
val myProgram: ZIO[Config[AppProperties] with Console, Nothing, AppProperties] =
for {
myProps <- config[AppProperties]
_ <- putStrLn(myProps.toString())
} yield myProps