A library for parsing FixedWidth data with Apache Spark. FixedWidth file is a flat file where each column has a fixed width (number of characters) and this is specified in a schema.
You can link against this library in your program at the following coordinates:
groupId: za.co.absa
artifactId: fixed-width_2.11
version: 0.2.0
groupId: za.co.absa
artifactId: fixed-width_2.12
version: 0.2.0
This package can be added to Spark using the --packages
command line option. For example, to include it when starting the spark shell:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --packages za.co.absa:fixed-width_2.11:0.2.0
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --packages za.co.absa:fixed-width_2.12:0.2.0
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
val sparkBuilder = SparkSession.builder().appName("Example")
val spark = sparkBuilder.getOrCreate()
val metadata = new MetadataBuilder().putLong("width", 10).build()
val schema = StructType(
StructField("someColumn", StringType, true, metadata),
StructField("secondColumn", StringType, true, metadata)
val dataframe = spark
.option("trimValues", "true")
Option | Value | Explanation |
trimValues | true/false | Should the whitespaces around data be trimmed |
charset | charset name (e.g. UTF-8) | Any valid charset used to write the FixedWidth file |
sbt jacoco
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