Macro derives case classes from existing one.
Consist of 2 parts:
- @Derive - used for configuration and structure derivation
- Derivation - used for creating new structure from provided case class instance
Simple application
@Derive(Def("Bar", "MyNewCaseClass"))
case class Foo(value: Int)
object Foo {
object Bar {
case class MyNewCaseClass(value: Int)
@Derive(Def("Bar", "MyNewCaseClass", List("value")))
case class Foo(value: Int, value2: String)
object Foo {
object Bar {
case class MyNewCaseClass(value2: String)
@Derive(Def("Bar", "MyNewCaseClass", List("value"), List("value2" -> "renamedValue2")))
case class Foo(value: Int, value2: String)
object Foo {
object Bar {
case class MyNewCaseClass(renamedValue2: String)
//Value classes will be automatically simplified during application
case class FooAnyVal(value: String) extends AnyVal
@Derive(Def("Bar", "MyNewCaseClass"))
case class Foo(value: FooAnyVal)
object Foo {
object Bar {
case class MyNewCaseClass(value: String)
Nested application
@Derive(Def("Bar", "MyNewCaseClass", List("value")))
case class Foo(value: Foo2)
object Foo {
object Bar {
case class MyNewCaseClass(value2: Foo.Bar.MyNewCaseClass)
@Derive(Def("Bar", "MyNewCaseClass", List("value")))
case class Foo2(value: Int)
object Foo2 {
object Bar {
case class MyNewCaseClass(value2: Int)
Sealed trait application
If macro is applied to sealed trait then trait SealedDerivation will be created and will be used as a phantom type when instance of derivation will be created
@Derive("Bar", "MyDerivedClass")
sealed trait Foo
object Foo {
object Bar {
sealed trait SealedDerivation
dev.nigredo.derivation.Def is a configuration new derivation and consist of:
- ident - used for grouping new derivation if target of the annotation has nested case class
- className - new derivation class name
- excludeFields - define which fields have to be excluded from new derivation
- rename - define how to rename fields during derivation
If you have any questions or suggestions just create an issue on github or send me an email to [email protected]