scala JMX API
Powerful configuration management for Scala (JSON, properties, command-line arguments, and environment variables)
A heterogeneous data mapping language based on Shape Expressions
ScalaJS Component System
Automatically exported from
Scalafmt plugin for maven
A CSS & HTML DSL for Scala
An sbt plugin enhancing the evicted key.
a kml 2.2 library in scala
Uses eXist-db's internal mechanisms to upload and sync indexes with Algolia's cloud services
WSDL2Avro is a Scala library that lets you convert datatypes from a SOAP WSDL to Avro Schemas.
Data management utilities for Scala
A Scala Specs2 extension, producing human readable documentation à la Yatspec.
A E2E test tool for Enceladus. Also general dataframe comparison tool
A library for generating PDFs, images, and other types of output in Play Framework applications.
A dynamic data completeness and accuracy library at enterprise scale for Apache Spark
This module provides support for XMLL (eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol, a.k.a Jabber) in Lift.
bamboomigrate is a typelevel transformation and migration library
SBT plugin for Liquibase