Deterministically produce dummy data for use in stubs
Equality assertion for scalatest and scalacheck which outputs a diff of two unequal inputs
Decode/encode the overpunch format
Property-based testing for Scala
Alloy within Kotlin
GPC common types that can be used on any Scala services or libraries
Flexible law checking for Scala
A simple configuration-file-based CLI parser for Scala.
WOOT model for Scala and JavaScript via Scala.js
Additional functionality for ScalaCheck, not part of the core distribution
Scalacheck Instances For Errors4s Core Types
Protocol buffer compiler for Scala.
Some collections I find useful
Effectful property testing built on ScalaCheck
fs2 pipes for encrypting and decrypting data using BouncyCastle's PGP implementation
Some Scala utilities
ScalaTest + ScalaCheck provides integration support between ScalaTest and ScalaCheck.
ScalaCheck Gen for joda-time
property based testing library for Scala