Akka actor-based RabbitMq Client Library
cats transformer type classes.
General-purpose Scala code bits
The core modules of Bloop, without any build tool integration or benchmark infrastructure - intended to be used by Scala CLI
Lift module providing image processing utilities
Generate REST API documentation from request-dog
Common utility libraries for Scala
ubirch key service
A set of utilities useful when implementing REST-applications using akka-http
Cross-Platfrom Operating System Detection
Pico-library for providing cross-field validation to Scala projects
This is highly optimized blake3 implementation for scala, scala-js and scala-native
The quickest way to add a JSON format to your Play project's case classes
Highcharts facade for scalajs-react.
Utils related to webapps by wiringbits | muiv3 | slinky | scala.js | scala | play
A tidy SQL-based DB access library for Scala developers. This library naturally wraps JDBC APIs and provides you easy-to-use APIs.
A simple Scala persistence API for JSON documents
AIO library for scala