Retry library used by Castle
Library for use with the `dc10-scala` code generator
Scala Mongo DAO library that wraps the ReactiveMongo library. It reduces the amount of code required to get code in and out of MongoDB
Convert your xml to case classes
Sangria json4s-native marshalling
Micro-sized React wrapper library.
A SBT plugin for Axis/Axis2 to generate java sources from WSDL using WSDL2Java
Simple Text Utils for Scala
SBT plugin to quickly find test suites to run with `testOnly`
Graph Query Language for Scala
Gis Library
RDD primitive for fetching data from an HTTP source
SVG backend for Doodle
A way of calling Scala functions "remotely", with a loose definition of what "remotely" means.
Protocol Buffers based RPC between Play Framework and Scala.js