scalaz-deriving instances for scalaprops. generation of arbitrary case classes / ADTs instances
Backport of various things from shapeless 2.3 to shapeless 2.2
Thin, generic, scala idiomatic layer on top of MapR OJAI
A syntax extension for cats-parse for product tuple concatenation.
sbt> test && commit || revert
The Scala library that provides extension methods for and java.nio.
Hulk is a web framework to create RESTful API's.
Core entities for working with Iglu in Scala
SWordNet 2.0, WordNet for Scala
A tiny library to encode DynamoDb "AST"
Composable input validation with introspection
Use JavaCPP and JavaCPP presets with ease. Base plugin for JavaCPP-related projects.
Trace a Scala ExecutionContext
A repository to explain how to use MiMa
DIS SDK for StructuredStreaming