Contributing Search
All the projects below have beginner-friendly issues which are great places to start contributing
sbt plugin for adding java agents to projects
- #22 - Putting agent JARs in lib directory
- #15 - Document dependency syntax
- #13 - Support multi-jvm scope
- #11 - Integration with sbt-revolver
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Dapper Style Distributed Tracing Instrumentation Libraries
- #145 - Sample Spring app is broken in Jetty container
- #138 - What do we want to do with Money?
- #119 - Update jackson to 2.9.8 in sample pom.xml
- #105 - Money Cost - Standard package to show cost of adding Money
- #104 - Update Scala versions and library dependencies
- #88 - Remove or update Contributors file
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Apache Pekko Connectors is a Reactive Enterprise Integration library for Java and Scala, based on Reactive Streams and Apache Pekko.
- #953 - reproducible builds: proto files in google artifacts
- #921 - Docs: Investigate why scaladoc links for pekko-http and pekko-grpc are broken
- #920 - Docs: Investigate why we end up with http links in our scaladocs
- #844 - RecordIOFramingSpec "should parse a series of records" is flaky
- #810 - PubSub connector needs a PubSubConfig but that class is deprecated
- #778 - MqttSessionSpec: MQTT server connector should re-connect given connect, subscribe, connect again, publish
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- #446 - Error `Expected TermName but got example.MyObject[$]._$_$_$_$`
- #440 - `MemberNotFoundException` when invoking `tpe` on the tree of a java annotation
- #436 - Looks like Scala 3.4.x produces TermRef's to term refinements without symbols
- #434 - `` returns full path on Windows
- #272 - Add a way to render trees and types as Scala code
- #261 - Companions in local scopes
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Google Cloud Pub/Sub stream-based client built on top of cats-effect, fs2 and http4s.
- #544 - GoAway Frames Leading to App Errors
- #540 - Operations fail with "connection refused" if uri scheme is missing from config
- #379 - Cross-publish http implementation for ScalaJS
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Your go-to microservice framework for any situation, from the creator of Netty et al. You can build any type of microservice leveraging your favorite technologies, including gRPC, Thrift, Kotlin, Retrofit, Reactive Streams, Spring Boot and Dropwizard.
- #6084 - Support `BraveRpcService`
- #6080 - Custom annotations prevent method from showing in doc
- #6075 - Invalid Automatic-Module-Name for armeria-thrift0.9
- #6074 - Add `ConcurrencyLimitingService`
- #6070 - Provide a way to mask a field of a struct or an argument of Thrift method
- #6058 - Support for HTTP GET map parameters?
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Copy & Paste Detector plugin using PMD for sbt.
- #23 - Travis CI dropped
- #21 - sbt-cpd pulls SNAPSHOT dependency for pmd-apex
- #20 - Does it support publish reports to sonarqube?
- #16 - How does it work
- #15 - Error log when skipping duplicate files
- #14 - Does cpd4sbt support multiple languages on the same project?
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Play support
- #296 - Java multi-room chat example is broken at least
- #218 - Failed: Default support / should allow disconnecting from a namespace
- #105 - Publish the Scala 2.13 version to Maven Central
- #56 - Extract a akka-http-socket-io module that can be used without Play! framework
- #43 - Cannot run chat example
- #16 - Play 2.7 support
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Cucumber Scala
- #386 - Cannot release with latest sbt-release (1.4.0)
- #385 - Drop support for Java 8 (and 11?)
- #350 - Replace custom TypeTag like implementation with Typeable in Scala 3
- #294 - Use mdoc to provide safe documentation
- #255 - Provide a cucumber-scalatest integration
- #217 - Alternatives to JacksonDefaultDataTableEntryTransformer
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RFC-compliant Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID) for the JVM
- #651 - Fix mdoc doobie for Scala 3
- #166 - Constants for standard UUIDs used as namespaces
- #143 - Memeid microsite icons and images
- #92 - Kotlin wrapper for the Java library
- #10 - Benchmarks for different UUID constructors, document performance characteristics and usage scenarios of each
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Marvin AI has been accepted into the Apache Foundation and is now available at
- #79 - Everit doesn't throw informative errors if the violation located Within a deeper hierarchy level
- #66 - Predictor FSM error when user insert invalid protocol
- #65 - Simple Health Check API
- #64 - Persisting model error with checksum
- #63 - Error - Request is missing required `Host` header
- #60 - Error warning or treatment when grpcserver is down
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Play Ebean module
- #496 - Evolution can't be run due to "delimiter $$" DDL parsing bug - Play 3, Ebean 8
- #355 - Ebean generating too many queries
- #220 - Evolutions not run property on play 2.8
- #212 - Build production failing if I have configuration
- #211 - Adding documentation for using this plugin
- #166 - [2.7.x][5.0.x] Evolution fails for auto-generated script contains create procedures script
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ldbc is Pure functional JDBC layer with Cats Effect 3 and Scala 3.
- #365 - Enclose columns in bag quotation marks
- #360 - Add date functions such as YEAR, MONTH, and DAY to Statement
- #271 - Release for Scala Native 0.5.x
- #265 - Retrieval performance
- #224 - Discontinuation of the SchemaSPY project
- #153 - Creating a MySQL connector project written in pure Scala3.
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A compiler plugin for generating doc’able Java source from Scala source
- #354 - Support for Scala 3?
- #314 - new method incorrectly generated since Scala 2.12.3
- #225 - Problem handling a nested type with the same name as its enclosing type
- #222 - Error compiling with JDK11 when a case class does not have its companion object
- #183 - Annotation coding is problematic (UTF-8?)
- #182 - Invalid code generated for classes in the empty package
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A connector for Apache Spark and PySpark to Dgraph databases.
- #267 - Support vector data type
- #154 - Consider health information
- #153 - Make Spark know the partitioning of the read data
- #152 - Question about subgraphs/filtering
- #149 - Support authorization
- #148 - Support Dgraph namespaces
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Support for sbt plugins that use JavaScript
- #139 - sbt 2 crossbuilds
- #68 - Error when using latest JDK on java 1.8 on Windows
- #50 - Possible issue with usage of `File.getCanonicalPath()`
- #42 - SbtJsTask.executeJs should add flag to interpret stdout from process as JSON unconditionally
- #41 - Make location of package.json configurable
- #32 - sbt-web plugin picking global library instead of the one defined in sbt-js-engine
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