Contributing Search
All the projects below have beginner-friendly issues which are great places to start contributing
makes some Scala 2.13 APIs (primarily collections, also some others) available on 2.11 and 2.12, to aid cross-building
- #671 - No javaapi implementation for OptionConverters
- #652 - missing some typeConstraints methods (`<:<` and `=:=` )
- #650 - Add scala.annotation.experimental for cross-compiling with Scala 3
- #640 - `Ordering.orElse` and `Ordering.orElseBy`
- #632 - `Left#withRight` and `Right#withLeft`
- #621 - add `appended` method
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Play mailer plugin
- #242 - Add support for DKIM signing
- #195 - Error - no object DCH for MIME type multipart/mixed
- #177 - Get a nullpointerexception when trying to send mail
- #151 - Authentication Failure With Gmail in Play-Mailer 6.0.1
- #144 - Overwrite sender's mail id which is set in application.conf
- #143 - Sending username and password using POST to initate
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Functional programming toolkit for building server applications in Scala.
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Mutation testing for Scala
- #1667 - Spark Support in Stryker
- #1650 - Better command line argument parsing using decline
- #1588 - Mutated code does not compile (=!=)
- #1522 - Converting Stryker4S into Stryker4JVM supporting Scala and Kotlin
- #1429 - Realtime integration in the HTML reporter
- #1417 - Improve error message about unrealistic result
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An sbt plugin which makes it easier to build with GitHub Actions
- #191 - cross build for sbt 2
- #184 - Feature request: Add support for automatically labelling PRs by Github Actions
- #183 - Problems with sbt-projectmatrix - upload artifact should be more granular
- #179 - Support `working-directory` in steps
- #178 - upload-artifact/v4 not supported on GHES
- #158 - Use Scala major versions rather than patch for generated actions
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An open-source toolkit for large-scale genomic analysis
- #734 - Spark 3.4.4 and Scala 2.13.10 - Failed tests: io.projectglow.transformers.splitmultiallelics.VariantSplitterSuit
- #733 - Issues running tests with sbt
- #724 - Compatibility Issue: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError with on PySpark 3.5.1
- #693 - Writing sharded VCF fails on read
- #685 - Tried spark.sql("RESET") not worked
- #540 - Feature Request: add regenie's gene-based testing
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Distributed app tracing implementation in pure scala using cats-effect
- #910 - Release new version of sub modules
- #832 - Span completer never shuts down
- #783 - X-B3-TraceId support for 8 bytes size as well as 16 bytes size
- #763 - Switch to trace4cats-steward from scala-steward
- #746 - Reconfigure automatic early releases
- #347 - Use MUnit for testing
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Scala Library/REPL for Machine Learning Research
- #80 - Remove println in the code
- #63 - Bayesian Software for Scala
- #60 - Warped Gaussian Processes
- #59 - Support for HMC
- #55 - Add support for loading native code: Rust, C++
- #53 - Integrate DynaML into a Jupyter notebook kernel
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Lightweight api management on top of a modern http reverse proxy
- #1755 - migrate to play 3.0.0
- #1692 - support wasm admin extensions
- #1651 - support grpc web as a plugin
- #1638 - Tests: replace andWait(XXXXX.millis) with actual check that operation is done
- #1616 - add a proxy wasm plugin
- #1473 - remove outdated demos and scripts
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Grackle: Functional GraphQL for the Typelevel stack
- #680 - Postgres enum support
- #593 - Sort out union subtyping
- #552 - Support hidden SQL sub objects
- #428 - In the db backends, support splitting an object type across multiple tables
- #427 - In the db backends, support interfaces and unions distributed across multiple tables
- #342 - SQL mapping does not work for recursive queries to DB tables with qualified names
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Spark metrics related custom classes and sinks (e.g. Prometheus)
- #87 - Only driver metrics visible on local
- #86 - com.banzaicloud:spark-metrics_2.12:3.1-1.0.0 version Not published to maven central
- #85 - Adding the ability to set custom labels on metrics
- #84 - Repetitions of last metric value
- #83 - VictoriaMetrics
- #79 - Security Policy violation Branch Protection
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A Spark library for Amazon SageMaker.
- #158 - Permission issue which pulling the sagemaker spark container image.
- #153 - Scala Documentation
- #149 - Wrong version of aws-java-sdk-bundle in sagemaker-spark 1.4.5
- #145 - protobuf.SageMakerProtobufFileFormat could not be instantiated
- #144 - `import sagemaker_spark` failed on sagemaker notebook instance (platform identifier `notebook-al2-v1`)
- #143 - will we have scala 2.12+ and spark 2.4.0+ support?
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Exercises for the "Functional Programming Principles in Scala", part of the FP in Scala specialized program by EPFL.
- #298 - Unexpected value in Lazy Evaluation exercise
- #197 - type mismatch with example
- #58 - Apparent Error in Higher Order Functions section
- #39 - Factorial function seems to not work
- #37 - org.scalaexercises.definitions.Section
- #35 - ERROR -> object aux is not a member of package scalatutorial at [186, 186, 186]
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The Scala Package Index
- #1525 - [Bug] Can't view artifact-specific badge, it only shows badges for a single
- #1524 - [Bug] The version shown in the list of packages is older then the latest versions displayed inside the package page
- #1445 - [Bug] `Settings` tab not available for organisation-owned projects which I administer
- #1409 - Add default group ID in project settings
- #1369 - [Bug] Setup Bug with the Windows
- #1368 - Add Dependents tab in project page
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Scala Exercises' lessons for the standard library
- #385 - wrong equals sign in class definition
- #384 - type of implicit definition needs to be given explicitly
- #286 - Edit page links doesnt work
- #143 - Octal scapes literals are unssuported
- #133 - Issue in Prefix Postfix Infix assignment
- #126 - Bug in Traversables exercise
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Standalone Play WS, an async HTTP client with fluent API
- #950 - Brotli encoding
- #780 - StandaloneAhcWSRequest rewrites application/x-www-form-urlencoded requests body, changes ordering of keys
- #754 - I need to use the GMSSL protocol
- #710 - Got "Digest algorithm not supported: md5" on try use DIGEST
- #709 - [feature] Add support for `SameSite` attribute in `WSCookie`
- #708 - Null pointer error in `` if cookie has no value
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Add-ons to Akka Stream
- #186 - Shared valve switch
- #173 - Publish API documentation to
- #165 - Remove PassThroughFlow which is not superseded by FlowWithContext
- #158 - Remove unrelated tools
- #140 - Any interest in integrating actor into a Flow though a GraphStage?
- #135 - replace scala.Either in PartitionWith Java API
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Play modules for Flyway
- #432 - Setup repo
- #404 - Migrations are applied automatically also in Dev mode
- #381 - Update for configuration with MySQL
- #174 - How to enable/execute Scala/Java-based migrations using this framework?
- #119 - html views are not shown in Play!-Framework 2.8 with version 7.2.0
- #96 - flyway.ignoreMissingMigrations does not seem to work on 4.0 or 5.2.
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streaming data parsing and transformation library
- #624 - Streaming over http seems to be broken in v1.11
- #603 - Add MessagePack support
- #370 - Add Streaming XQuery subset implementation
- #332 - Support for non-UTF `encoding` in xml parser
- #113 - Add support for some regexes
- #45 - Support nested case classes for CsvRow*coder derivation
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct