Utilities for writing tests that use Apache Spark.
Miscellaneous functionality for manipulating Apache Spark RDDs.
Load genomic BAM files using Apache Spark
type-classes for structural manipulation of algebraic data types
low-level helpers for Apache Spark libraries and tests
SBT plugins for publishing to Maven Central, shading and managing dependencies, reporting to Coveralls from TravisCI, and more
Math and statistics utilities
Enrichment-methods for Scala collections (Iterators, Iterables, Arrays)
Helpers for creating command-line applications
Libraries for console/file I/O, processing/formatting sizes in bytes, etc.
Scala convenience-wrapper for java.nio.file.Path
Library for representing and working with genomic-sequencing reads.
General (non-omics) code used across BDG products. Apache 2 licensed.
Utilities for representing genomic loci and reference-genomes
String/CSV utilities
A genomics processing engine and specialized file format built using Apache Avro, Apache Spark and Parquet. Apache 2 licensed.
sbt plugin to create a dependency graph for your project
Spark-based implementation of pDC3, a linear-time parallel suffix-array-construction algorithm
Stand-alone utility for filtering a BAM file to specific genomic regions, using Apache Spark.
Scala-focused OptionHandlers for args4j