19 results
com-lihaoyi/mill 0.12.9
Mill is a fast JVM build tool that supports Java, Scala, Kotlin and many other languages. 2-4x faster than Gradle and 4-10x faster than Maven for common workflows, Mill aims to make your project’s build process performant, maintainable, and flexible
Scala versions: 2.13 2.12 -
com-lihaoyi/scalasql 0.1.17
Scala ORM to query SQL databases from Scala via concise, type-safe, and familiar case classes and collection operations. Connects to Postgres, MySql, H2, and Sqlite out of the box
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 -
com-lihaoyi/acyclic 0.1.9
Acyclic is a Scala compiler plugin to let you prohibit circular dependencies between files
Scala versions: 2.10 -
com-lihaoyi/mill-moduledefs 0.11.2
Scalac compiler plugin to support Mill modules
Scala versions: 3.x 2.13